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[Fishing] Strange Thing Happened on the Boat...


Stratics Veteran
I fished up a chest yesterday (I think it was a Level 3 chest) and was sorting through the loot. I wandered away from the computer because my wife and I were having a discussion. By the time I returned to the computer the UO client had timed out. I re-logged and proceeded to continue my sorting. To my surprise the chest was locked. WEIRD.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That is indeed weird. I have never heard of anyone leaving UO to have a discussion with their wife before.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I had something similar happen to me. I had fished up a chest, but instead of putting it in my pack and then open it, I had left it on the deck and opened it there. I rifled through it and then put it in my pack; when I tried to open it, it was locked. I had to have a friend unlock it for me. First, and last time that has ever happened. I shrugged it off as a fluke.

Muu Bin

That is indeed weird. I have never heard of anyone leaving UO to have a discussion with their wife before.
QFT... although I do wonder about anyone leaving their spouse to have a "discussion" with UO.

And yes... the locked chest thing has happened to me. It would be interesting to see if this occurred as a result of items still being left inside it and then some embedded timer locking the chest because something was inside. (Just trying to think of possibilities). I'll have to try that one to see what happens. Or if it might have something to do with the chest being on the deck of a ship. My incident occurred on a Tokuno ship. I don't recall this ever being a problem on the old Legacy ships...