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Strange repair deed


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Going through all my junk, and found this in a bag of repair deeds I acquired from somewhere... here on Napa.

It "acts" like a real repair deed as it needs to be in my pack when clicked, but an alchemy shop? Repairs what.... glass weapons? Why is it "Unknown"? Who is "Gerta"? Is someone able to make this? Is it a bugged item? Duped?

I have a GM alchemist and I can make repair deed for glass items, but they look and act as expected:

Anyone have an idea and possible price on it? It is the only one I have and as such I'm not going to the alchemy shop to find out what it repairs.. or if it just disappears... heh.



attack of the unknown game master, after a special night at the tavern, kirthag, how drunk did it get that night and what did you do? :D


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Rogal will hear you!



In all seriousness. In one of my "cleaning spurts" I picked up a bag of about 75 repair deeds that someone left on the ground at the WBB... and this was in it. Picked it up abut... uhm... 3 months ago.

Salya Sin

Lol... drunken deed creation? funny!

I had several of those... all by Gerta... and I know one of my guildies has some too. I think they are failures and that Gerta was just not one to give up!


Grand Inquisitor
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It's an Old Smithing Repair Deed, done I'd guess approx 4 to 5 yr's ago. One Patch they did wiped the type of Repair Deed it was off from it. I have a bunch I had made for one char still in his bank box. I leave them there as a reminder how much things change when Dev's touch one thing & break another. They work, but just a lil rare deed without a title is about all



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gerta was in my guild shes a very nice lady but she left to play wow and those i was told are worth some gold but no idea sorry


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Its just so weird when I double click it that it says "alchemy" and not "blacksmithing".

Well, this goes in the collection then. I'm glad Gerta was a nice person... but sad that she's no longer here. Thanks for the back story Ted.

Salya Sin

Awww... I hate hearing about players who left for WoW... that game is the DEVIL! :) I'm sorry that you lost a friend Tedley.. :(

And it's good to know where those came from. I can't remember who told me they were failures... If I remember... I'll be sure to pass on the info! Thanks Snakeman!


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well shes my co iowner to my castle and she left more then a castle behind she left me behind she was very close to me even if she dont beleave it and ill always have a place for her in my heart :) hugs

chiara i miss you and happy holidays and new year to you and family