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Strange Creature?


Stratics Veteran
I was hatching a bunch of chicken lizard eggs I had accumulated. I had about 10 already hatched inside the fenced area in Moonglow's cotton field when this sucker came out. The journal only said that I hatched the egg but it doesn't look like a chicken. What the heck is this? I didn't give it a chance to attack me so I recalled back to Luna to get a stronger pet. When I got back, it was gone.

Lex Darion

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
More likely a memory corruption issue.
Sometimes 3d client will use another graphic instead of the intended.

I've seen pets show lich animation instead of the actual pet. Goes away if you restart client, recall / recall in etc.

Lord Gandalf

Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
I recalled back to Luna to get a stronger pet. When I got back, it was gone.
View attachment 85138
Lol you recalled back to get another pet? So you mainly got scared from the pixels on your screen??? and managed to take a screenshot then recalled straight without giving it a chance to attack you some players really make me laugh sometimes.

Can you do me a favor by sending the full screenshot you took including your character?


UO Forum Moderator
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I seem to remember this being an easter egg of sorts on a (failed?) hatching.

The graphic IIRC is an altered version of a peerless boss.


Stratics Veteran
No I didnt get scared but went back to get another pet in case it attacked me. I was only on a regular 2 slot blue beetle and for all I knew it could have been something terribly hard to kill. I go back but it was gone. No it wasn't a glitch in the pixels cause the journal acknowledge that something hatched but it did not look like a chicken. I didn't try to tame it cause again, who knows what the heck it was. If you read my post, you would see I didn't run from it but went back to get a stronger pet to beat it down. I have a bunch more unhatched eggs and will try to repeat the process.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Looks like Chief Paroxysmus. You sure that wasn't hatched near Chernobyl, Fukushima or Fallujah? There's a fairly easy way to tell how tough a creature is if you're a Tamer, use Animal Lore on it and look at it's stats.