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Storytelling Contest: Saturday, Nov. 20th at 8pm PST

EM Kaz

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Date and Time: Saturday, Nov. 20th at 8pm PST
Meeting place: Luna Fairgrounds
Event Type: Storytelling Contest & Meet and Greet
Contact Characters: Elder EM Cyno Razik & EM Kaz


Elder EM Cyno Razik and EM Kaz cordially request your attendance at a Storytelling Contest, this Saturday November 20th at the Luna Fairgrounds. Join us as we regale each other with tales of adventure, bravery and tomfoolery. In addition, you have the privilege of hearing the Event Moderators tell unfunny jokes and ramble incoherently about various subjects.

Stories will be judged in the following categories: Most Humorous, Most Creative and Best Overall. We also retain the right to add additional categories as we see fit. The winners in those categories will have their names immortalized in the annals of time (or in this case, the Reward Hall).

So join us for a night of storytelling and typical Pacific zaniness. This is the last event until after Thanksgiving, so be sure to stop on by and partake in the fun!