Ironrose Dartmore
Think you got what it takes to be a UO writer? You do? Well then write your best story on any in game book and leave it at the SilverMoon Tavern Mailbox. Why should you enter? Well of course because of the prizes:
Grand prize: 200,000, 100% medable LRC full resist suit
2nd place: 50,000, New Natural dye
3rd Place: 10,000
Honerable Mentions: 4,000
Winners will be announced at the opening of SilverMoon Tavern.
Happy writings.
Grand prize: 200,000, 100% medable LRC full resist suit
2nd place: 50,000, New Natural dye
3rd Place: 10,000
Honerable Mentions: 4,000
Winners will be announced at the opening of SilverMoon Tavern.
Happy writings.