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Story Night of Love


Former Stratics Publisher
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Yep, that's right. Its time for another Napa Valley Story Night.

WHEN: February 14, 2010
TIME: 7:30pm PAC [5:30pm HST]
WHERE: Llama Head Tavern
FACET: Trammel

To celebrate Valentine's Day, this month's theme is :heart:Love :heart:!

So bards and lovers, dig up your best love story and come to the Llama Head Tavern for an evening of mushiness, or bitterness - it depends on the story! The best tales will win a portion of the 1million gold prize - as judged by the audience's reaction to your tale. If the audience falls asleep, well, that means you have some improvements to do for next month's Story Night!

Rules are simple:

* Please keep your tale to a maximum of 10 minutes. Anything longer and people get bored.
* Pen your tale before coming [use NotePad, then cut & paste to "tell" your tale in UO]
* Stay on theme
* Please stable your mount - a hitching post is available at the Tavern
* Any disruption not within the Spirit of Sosaria will be dealt with swiftly and judiciously [ban stick is freshly carved]

Directions to the Llama Head Tavern
(Tavern's layout changed slightly, but directions still apply):

(posted on calendar as well but needs approval = directions link in calendar post is wrong!!!)

Salya Sin

I'm going to try to be there to report on this. I've missed your last few events due to personal issues... computer/internet/kids... never fails. But I will try to make this one. PROMISE!


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:) Gonna have special door prizes for people who show up... at least until I run out. ^.^

five oclock

starts to sing off key....

The LOVE BOAT!!!!! Exicting and new.....

stops singing....

ya know Ale is the best love potion btw..until the next day at least :D


Former Stratics Publisher
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Just a bump to remind everyone of the Story Night this sunday!

Tell your friends! Drag new people along!

Hope to see you guys there!!!


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and final bump.

hope to see y'all at the Llama Head Point Tavern!


Former Stratics Publisher
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Akasha showed up and we had a wonderful visit - however she didn't have any tale she wanted to tell. She did receive a personalized valentine's card for coming tho. :)

No one else showed up... so... the prize money is being recycled for another event.

On that note, happy valentine's day everyone and kung he fat choi! Being the Chinese New year! This is the Metal Tiger year. (my mother's year).

... and to all a wonderful evening ...