The story of Stonekeep would best be told by the guardsman themselves [IC]
Form my point of view, there was only myself and my son to aid in the defence of Stonekeep (wearing the red of the Bloodguard) with Lord Sparrow present and probably one other who was not a resident of Yew.
Seems Casca's cunning plan of dropping trinkets in far off lands has paid off!!!
The guards set a defensive barricade which was approached by Dorat, commander of the royal guard, an ultimatium was issued, 'swear allegiance to king Casca or we will raise Stonekeep to the ground'
With true diplomacy the guardsmen informed Dorat of what he could do with his threats and soon after we were assaulted by executioners.
Fighting was fierce and the enemy managed to get through the barricades but with skillful leadership and gritty determination the men of Stonekeep prevailed.