From the way I defended chiv, I think alot of people thought I played mainly as a warrior heh.
*Narrator speaks in the background*
But little do they know that his main is actually a stealthy spellweaving ninja-mage.
*Evil laughter*
I also play bards, tamers and crafters/ many templates and games to play, so little time...
Yes, poison field is a great spell! But I use it only sparingly coz it auto reveals me when something takes damage from the field. I so wanted to add shadow strike, was designing a shadow strike tank-nox-mage template a couple of weeks ago, but never left the paper (ok, I was using excel) design stage...
As GMeanie says, if you get UOA, you can macro dismount and mount.
Tip 5 - If you have a configurable mouse, it works even better. I have one of my mouse buttons configured to play my smoke bomb macro, another to play my mount macro, and a third for my trapped box macro. Plus 2 more for arm/disarm macros. Can be used in conjunction with shift/alt/ctrl to selectively disarm whichever hand I need to, and select whichever weapon config to use.
Tip 6 - Map your UO/UOA macros to keys (eg ins to arm normal weapon profile) or key strokes (eg alt+ins to arm alternate weapon profile 1). Record the key stroke macro using your Razor or G15 config utility. Tada, you don't have to worry if UOA can't detect your 8th mouse button, plus you can play the macro by using the keyboard. I use 1 button for ins, so if I hold alt on my kb and pressed that button on my mouse, it will send "alt+ins" to UOA, which arms my first alternate weapon profile.
Tip 7 - You can mount an ethy while remaining hidden/stealthed to prepare for a rush (eg looting, idoc)
Tip 8 - Don't use a polar bear mount if you plan on stealthing, every one will see "a polar bear" on their screens when you mount it while hidden. Advantages of playing with the wife