I would love to see the day when random items, that require at least GM stealing, to randomly spawn in and around the cities. Items that today when you mouse over them they hightlight, but cannot be stolen.
I have attached a few pictures of items that today are highlight, but cannot be stolen, there was several other items in all the major cities, and if they were to add them to the items that could be taken today it would really make the thief a necessary charactor to have in game. They could also do these in Felucca, and when you turn grey from stealing the item would become a target for blues or reds to attack, no "guard" wacking allow, but clearly a fun time for all.
The other lands, Malas, Ilsh and Tokuno, could also have items, where only a thief could take.
Of course items would have to spawn in locations that fit the item, and they would not respawn in the same locations daily, but randomly move to other cities and to locations only where the item would be seen as part of the area. Only by mouse over would you know if its a stealable item. Say a water bucket at the Minoc stable one day, the next day its at a stables in Brit. Or a pile of logs spawns at the Brit Carpenter shop, and the next day spawns at New Haven. A Moulding board spawns at the Trinsic bakers, a day later in Tokuno it is seen at the shop there.