trick is must have skill marked up that you are useing if fighter just hunt an hr or so with dex up int down and a your weapon skill up.
But you have a Significantly higher probability of a stat increase (oh what 100 or 1000 to 1) in that first 25 skill points than if you just go bang on Earth Elementals or if You can stand the Heat Ogre Lords.
It is why it is so very easy to raise str by just doing Mining to 25, turn it down do LJacking to 25, turn it down and repeat for maybe a half hour for str from 10 to 125.
Not going to repeat that open list of stats/skills
BUT unless it has changed and I have seen no reason to believe it has, most of those skills are weighted for one stat over another.
I had plumb forgot about Musicianship/disco for dex and Fencing. Musicianship - Fencing is probably how I would go.
Tinkering and Lockpicking are also excellent alternatives.
The above 4 are Dex Weighted (as Spirit Speak, meditation, magery are INT weighted)