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Stat Halving Bug


Stratics Veteran
Good Morning all, a number of players have been coming to me on LS that have noticed some of the pets they were working on have lost key stats.. We don't know what causes this yet .. But are tracking it.. The pets that were hit all had this in common so it might be part of the trigger.. They had been increased just 1 slot, and the stats that were halved were not increased during that phase of training.. so far we have seen it in Mares, giant beetles, and fire beetles.. but it maybe effecting other pets and more then ones that were increased just one slot.. The mares that were effected lost str(they were PP mares =* [) if it was not increased during this round and the beetles lost mana pool.. .. we are uncertain if other stats are being hit on different pets … if you will , if you have any pets you are working on check them and let us know if they lost any stats and which ones please.. thank you all .. =^-^= bugged beetle.png
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Stratics Veteran
You actually need a lot more information that that. The pets that it affects is one of the least important things right now.

The steps to reproduce it are the most important to getting it fixed.

You need to know when the half stating occured. Did they log out between levels? Stable the pet? Did it happen when they were logged in? Was it when they hit training? What was leveled on the pet?

You need a lot more information gathered.


Stratics Veteran
2 of the pets happen from tuesday to now the others I will have to message the owners to be sure ... they did indeed log and it was noticed upon their return,The beetles I know were stabled but will have to check about the mares..for the beetles the mana pool was 500 before dropped to 250(both had been lvled to 2 slot)... one of the mares was 515 strand it was dropped to 257str( the mare had been lvled to 3 slot).. I will have to check about the other mare.. From what Ive seen the stats that were hit were not increased during training The path of stats increased varied from pet to pet..but all had fixed resistances ,increased dex and stam to 150 and maxed Hp and mana regen...In all the cases they had just finished a lvl of training and started the bar again.. The beetle and one of the mare trainers used the crazed mage... I'll have to check which route the other players used for certain. before logging the stat halving had not occurred nor from starting the bar...... If you guys are having this issue with any members as well..I hope this data helps further your efforts as well.. ^_~
P.s. sorry if this is abit jumbled alittle light headed today.. edited it afew times to correct a few things I left out..lol
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I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Glad I can't stand having pets at starting slots. Must train.

I did leave my 89% nightmare at 2 slot. I may have some at starting slots on random pet holders.

The statue pet has not been released so maybe they can go back and remove the pet codes they changed.

Sux for those that paid a lot of gold for nightmares.

I'm not going to think about my poor bakes. I should have trained em up.

Grace of Minoc

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Uh oh, did they break pp mares and other high starting stat pets when they nerfed the vollem in a crystal?


UO Forum Moderator
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Remember that Vollems are, for all intents and purposes, reskinned Nightmares that aren't ridable.

Even their LOOT on first death is identical.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Pets that are not rideable should have perks that makeup for it. The negative taming req on vollems is fair, and training it up kinda removes it.

Some of the others tho should be stronger.
Make up for not being abke to jump on em and get em to safety.