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starting a rares collector on Siege Perilous

  • Thread starter Alex the Gray
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0

Alex the Gray

Don't have mountains of money- but I am wondering if there are other rares collectors and sellers here on the shard, and what items (and their costs) might be available?


might as well give up. 90% of the rares on Siege belongs to 1 man. You can see his museum at Luna West exit, its a 18x18 house just outside couple scrreens.

Better yet, why don't you start your collection on Baja, I just so happens to have 2-3 billion gp worth of items to sell.


this is actually so not true. There are more collectors than you think, although his museum is very nice.




might as well give up. 90% of the rares on Siege belongs to 1 man. You can see his museum at Luna West exit, its a 18x18 house just outside couple scrreens.

[/ QUOTE ]


this is actually so not true. There are more collectors than you think, although his museum is very nice.

[/ QUOTE ]

He didn't say there were not any other collector on Siege, he simply said that 90% of the rares belong to one person. I can't verify that percentage, but without Manti's in depth personal knowledge of the vast majority of UO rares I doubt that you or most others could either. Although you can certainly eye ball a museum display and get a count to compare to other museums.

[/ QUOTE ]

hehe, don't take my 90% literally. All I know is Pug has the largest collection of rares on Siege, and he has been searching diligently for other collectors on Siege for past 2+ years. If he doesn't own them, he most likely knows who does and has plans set up to purchase for whenever they decide to sell.


Colorblind Collector
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have 5 potted plant deeds here that i would love to sell for gold. Would 2M per be good?

Please someone give me a price on these deeds