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Starcraft 2


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I swear I'm not turning into a Korean.
But, does anyone else play Starcraft 2? I'm not very good and I just started playing, and I'd love to play with some others to get better.
I'm not gone from UO though, I'll be back once I can find a copy of Windows 7 to put on my new mac.


<mod voice> Had to remove some talk from this thread </mod voice>

How does SC2 compare to the old SC?

I've been eying SC2 but have a hard time shelling out $60 for something that may suck and is not returnable if it does:sad4:


Goodman's Rune Library
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I like it a lot so far but I'm only slowly working away on the campaigns. The Zerg are yucky. :gun:


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yeah!! Zergs are gross. And they make totally gross noises. I'll just stick to protoss.
I need to work on compaigns more to get better. In league matches I do sooo bad.
Gellor, SC2 is definitely worth $60. My friend and I have a lot of fun playing even though I suck soooo much. If you guys ever want to play together, feel free to add me and we can play. I don't mind getting owned as long as I'm having fun. =]


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
No, there's no monthly subscription, you just have to pay for the one time fee of $60 for the game. It's expensive but worth it. =]