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Stamina Regen


Lore Master
Can someone explain why we're all putting 5+ stamina regen on our pets?

Granted I'm not constantly loring my pets, but I've never seen any of my pets lose stamina. Feels like a waste of training points. I'm not even sure what action would cause my pets to lose stamina.

I remember back in the old school days of UO if you rode a horse as fast as possible for awhile, it would lose stamina and you would have to stop for a few seconds for it to regen before you could continue to move.


Stratics Veteran
Quite a few bosses and mobs in game have crushing blow ability, which reduces stamina. Big hits/losing health will also hit stamina.

If your pet has chivalry, when it can use divine fury to replenish stamina.

It just takes 1 stamina loss to lower your pets swing speed substantially.

Caitlyn Snow

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
It’s more important for players who frequently use their pets as tanks. Allows the pet to keeps its swing speed rate while taking heavy fire. If you play in a group where one person typically always ranks , you can go without, but it’s worth having.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
I usually go with 10 on mine, unless they are pets of my peace/disco/tamer. Then I go with 0 because they get 19 stamina regen from the bard songs.
Having some source of stamina regen helps a lot by keeping your pet swing speed high against those nasty big critters.


Crazed Zealot
Focus 120 : Useful for MR and Stamina regen? So if you have Focus 120 and Meditation 120 you get more MR for the pet also more stam regen. Could you use a little less trained SR in that case? TY for info..


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Certain heavy hitting creatures can do quite a bit of Stamina damage to a pet. The Macer Captains in Blackthorn's Dungeon absolutely wreck Stamina. I've seen one drop my Fire Beetle down to 80 Stamina before, and my Fire Beetle has 30 SR/GM Focus, and i was running Consume Damage as well. Against a pet with 0 SR, the Macer Captain can drop them to near 0 Stamina, and keep them there.

Caitlyn Snow

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
I’ve found chiv+ai Cu with 100+ healing and consume makes a great tank at the Blackthorn captains, while damage being dealt with a RC Fire beetle with AI and a medi mage spamming greater heals take care of extra heavy hits.
Works pretty well,