All these items can be found stocked on vendors at Mystic Garden Mall.
PM or ICQ for gate/rune.
ICQ 107296451
New Stains With 5 Charges:
Black: 400k
White: 400k
Rare Fire Red: 125k
Rare Aqua: 99k
Rare Pink: 99k
Rare Magenta: 99k
Bright Orange: 40k
Yellow: 40k
Bright Red: 40k
Red: 40k
Green: 40k
Bright Green: 40k
Blue: 40k
Bright Blue: 40k
Purple: 40k
White Plants 400 -450k
Current stock includes hedges tall and short, Orfluers, Cypress trees, Foxgloves, Hops and White Flax
Other Current Stock:
Blaze stained runebooks 11k
Abyss Cloth 400k
Various stained decorative items including holiday colors
Stalagmites 100k
Totem of the Void 1.5 mill
Enchanted Apples/Grapes of Wrath 350 per 2
Filled Kegs
Marked Runebooks & Runebook Sets
Gold Skulls
Various Blessed Clothing 25k - 75k
10 Furniture Vendors
40 void orb: 450k
4 Spider carapace: 20k
7 Ichor - 400k
50 Parasitic Plant - 100k
5 Crystal Shards - 500k
20 Lava Serpent Crust - 500k
30 Void Essence: 100k
5 Seeds of Renewal - 200k
3 Daemon Claw - 295k
[The numbers do not mean that's the entire stock, Just the amount I put in each pile.]
PM or ICQ for gate/rune.
ICQ 107296451
New Stains With 5 Charges:
Black: 400k
White: 400k
Rare Fire Red: 125k
Rare Aqua: 99k
Rare Pink: 99k
Rare Magenta: 99k
Bright Orange: 40k
Yellow: 40k
Bright Red: 40k
Red: 40k
Green: 40k
Bright Green: 40k
Blue: 40k
Bright Blue: 40k
Purple: 40k
White Plants 400 -450k
Current stock includes hedges tall and short, Orfluers, Cypress trees, Foxgloves, Hops and White Flax
Other Current Stock:
Blaze stained runebooks 11k
Abyss Cloth 400k
Various stained decorative items including holiday colors
Stalagmites 100k
Totem of the Void 1.5 mill
Enchanted Apples/Grapes of Wrath 350 per 2
Filled Kegs
Marked Runebooks & Runebook Sets
Gold Skulls
Various Blessed Clothing 25k - 75k
10 Furniture Vendors
40 void orb: 450k
4 Spider carapace: 20k
7 Ichor - 400k
50 Parasitic Plant - 100k
5 Crystal Shards - 500k
20 Lava Serpent Crust - 500k
30 Void Essence: 100k
5 Seeds of Renewal - 200k
3 Daemon Claw - 295k
[The numbers do not mean that's the entire stock, Just the amount I put in each pile.]