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Stable Count Question


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
I should know this but I don't :) Is there a way to see what a characters max stable count is? I have ate stable count increase tokens on some tamers and not others and some have only ate a couple. Problem is I can't remember who ate what or how many. Since they are account bound (Stupid Idea BTW) I don't want to buy a increase token on a account that is already at max and have a useless token. Anyway is there a command or somewhere I don't know about that shows something like 31/42 etc? Without having to figure up mastery, tame, lore and vet level etc............

Mene (DF)

Seasoned Veteran
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uhm.... nothing to be known....best way to find out is to tame one slot pets and fill your stable until you got the message that you can't stable any more pets...

maybe mongbats ? ;)

Btw... where is your Mongbat Avatar? :eek: need a while for realizing thats it's you Tyrath ... the new pic confuses me a bit:p


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
uhm.... nothing to be known....best way to find out is to tame one slot pets and fill your stable until you got the message that you can't stable any more pets...

maybe mongbats ? ;)

Btw... where is your Mongbat Avatar? :eek: need a while for realizing thats it's you Tyrath ... the new pic confuses me a bit:p
TY :) LOL I change my avatar every couple of years. I still have the old concept art Mongbat, and the Solen Matriarch that was before the Mongbat. Figured my fully trained all 120s stuffed battle Farmers Market Chicken getting ready to go into battle would be a fun avatar for a while :)


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
A command at the stable like "Count" or something would be nice that got the reply "you currently have 20 of 30 stable spaces filled."

Mene (DF)

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.... and that save our day :D .... *make herself a mark in her makros*


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Or you can ask in stratics forum and not have to spend a hour searching in the official wiki or dealing with the page script errors on uoguide :)

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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Stratics Legend
I didn't spend an hour, I just typed 'stable' into the search box. Took you 23 minutes according to the post times to get a correct answer here, I got one from the wiki in less than 2.

*sigh* no offence personally, but I sometimes wish folk would stop dissing the wiki and actually use the damn thing. It's really easy to find things with the search box, I do it all the time.


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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I agree......uo.com's ~non-wiki~, while FULL of very useful and valuable information (Thank you Petra and whoever else took the time to write and edit it) is not always very user friendly and very often hard to find things. Also I don't like the fact that 99% of the images are taken in the EC....there IS another client you know! ;) Just would help give people a chance to see BOTH clients, but I know having images in both takes up space.

Also, I just did what you did...typed STABLE in the search box and my results are:

Animal Training
Discovering Animal Training
Publish 97
Vanity Mounts
Publish 84 14 October
Publish 81....etc. etc.

Nothing intuitively telling me anything about what to say at the stables....I would have to search through the first result, which tells me all about taming and skills etc. but that's it. Typing in Stable Count gives me the exact same results.

UO Guide is amazing as well, but like Tyrath, I cannot stay on that site for more then 5 minutes or so without my computer lagging, the site freezing or both....not sure why but it's always been that way for me :( Doesn't stop me from using it, just can't use it for more then 5 minutes! lol

Not to bash any of them....I think it's wonderful that we have so many places to go for information about the game we all love and I was thrilled when the official ~Wiki~ was published, it's something that had been needed for a long time.

Kylie Kinslayer

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Stratics Legend
I just bypass all the site searches.. I use yahoo search or duck and go.. then type in 'Ultima online' and whatever the heck I am wanting info of.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I found none direct links to wiki search box on main uo.com page. Not easy to find or even guess possibility to find info.

Player Wiki?

The player wiki, like most websites, puts things under categories. The only time anyone has told me they found an index easy was the one I had on my Petra's pages site - and I didn't try to categorize, except for 'quests'. I just shoved everything under a basic a-z index on the front page. Most people would probably see that as unprofessional and lazy. Maybe it was, but it was MY site and that was the easiest way for me.


I Hate Skilling
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Belaern d'Zhaunil
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I've found any time I go to that Wiki looking for an answer there isn't one... it doesn't have what I need... not once found it helpful. Sorry Petra but that's the way it is.

Stratics and UOGuide have always been my go to... And if I can't find the answer asking on the forums is best.


Lore Keeper, Wiki Maker, & Doer of Crazy Things
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I have yet to make a page in the Stratics wiki for Stables... Doing the 1000 or so craftable items sucked up the past month of my free time. :p But I'll get to it at some point... or anyone else with an interest, you can create that page too. Remember, anyone can edit the Stratics wiki. :)

@Petra Fyde, are you the (only?) one working on the uo.com wiki these days? Spotted some errors, but wasn't sure who to contact. :p

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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Stratics Legend
The wiki team leader is Mariah, but I can pass information along if you care to send me a pm