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So, does anyone mind explaining to me what happened to supr? Don't get me wrong, I am completely indifferent, just curious. Who is supr now? Who is not? And why? What happened? Before anyone lights up their flamethrowers, I'd prefer not to hear any opinions of non supr members. I'm looking for an honest discussion, and not a 'he said, she said' flame war. Hypothetically, if I were to come back, where would I play?


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I always thought SUPR was a made up guild, I never saw/see anyone with that tag when I play on Pac.


From what I've seen since I got my computer stuff squared away, there are three categorizes of people who were in SUPR before computer dying(6 weeks):
1) Those still in SUPR.
2) Those removed from SUPR because of inactive.
3) Those that left over a difference in opinion on the running of the guild.

I know a bit more than the above but the info I got is second hand so I'll leave that info for first hand people to pass along.

As for where you would go, I guess it depends upon which of the groups you liked more, those that are in SUPR or those not in SUPR.


I'm a non-SUPR, but as this effected my guild as well, I know a little..

Judah left GOO and Pink, Orion and Bri left SUPR and formed FOO.

That's the only thing that has happened to SUPR that I'm aware of.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm a non-SUPR, but as this effected my guild as well, I know a little..

Judah left GOO and Pink, Orion and Bri left SUPR and formed FOO.

That's the only thing that has happened to SUPR that I'm aware of.
Yeah.. Only knowledge I have of that.

I left SUPR because I installed some more time and wanted to fight with a smaller crew.

Too bad FOO is TB :/

Rand Al

i believe it was just people wanted to play with old friends and when the ones in supr left i am sure people split off cause they did not like the crew left behind which is understandable the best of super quit :(. i do not mind the foo guys being tb because i fight with them when no one else is on but wl and cd need to go sl or something!

Balian of Asgard

please put your tongue back in your mouth kind sir


Pink Orion and Bri got tired of being inactive and came back for a week. Orion had a great plan to screw over Bri and now she has no one to play with. They then formed FOO and went TB because they dont like to faction Pvp. SUPR is now my old crew with a few others that were SUPR.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Pink Orion and Bri got tired of being inactive and came back for a week. Orion had a great plan to screw over Bri and now she has no one to play with. They then formed FOO and went TB because they dont like to faction Pvp. SUPR is now my old crew with a few others that were SUPR.
lol all that is left now is boddom feeders of uo basically :thumbup1:


lol all that is left now is boddom feeders of uo basically :thumbup1:
You make no sense. Please explain how SUPR is bottom feeders please. Also please explain how you feel dieing on a daily basis to bottom feeders. You and your guild are sooooooo leet. Our "5v3" as you say should be easy to fend off. Please Please tell me more... Tell me how you really feel!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You make no sense. Please explain how SUPR is bottom feeders please. Also please explain how you feel dieing on a daily basis to bottom feeders. You and your guild are sooooooo leet. Our "5v3" as you say should be easy to fend off. Please Please tell me more... Tell me how you really feel!
Congratulations to one fight, no sorry two fights all week that you have won, I'm happy for you. But before those two fights that we lost we where spanking your guild so hard jedd and phix asked to join our guild pretty sad huh?



Congratulations to one fight, no sorry two fights all week that you have won, I'm happy for you. But before those two fights that we lost we where spanking your guild so hard jedd and phix asked to join our guild pretty sad huh?

I do belive you kicked our butts soooooo hard I mssged you also. FYI I have played with Phix for umm 6 years. Jedd is Nicks buddy. I dont really think they would do that. (Jedd) Here nick play my account. Wait now im going to go die with the rest of GOO and get my account looted....Makes no sense kiddo! (Phix) Juvi your guild sucks sooo bad im going to log in your vent even tho i play 7 other servers and still play with you...Ok BRO!!! Makes sense.