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spring cleaning scouting report


Stratics Veteran
Hello every1.

Spring cleaning is available on Origin. I been doing alot of research about will get u lotta points quickly.

tip 1
Dont waste time with weapons or armor or loot jewelry. I traded in a broad spectrum of of these things and only got 2 or 3 points

Quest items like scroll fragments, are ok u get around 50ish points for these things.

Ichor is the only imbue ingredient that i have donated that got 50ish points. But, essences types gave no points at all.

Seasonal gifts and rewards gave points in the 10000s of thousands. In fact a santa sleigh gave like 30k points. Players are paying mils for these things.

Artie weapons and armor i have not tried yet, So i dont know if these will be on a dif point level compared to regular items.

Rubble is also a good item 2 trade in. I wouldnt trade in the rare pieces of rubble.Players are paying mils for any type of rubble. I id probably estimate the rarer pieces of rubble could now be in the 10 mil or above.

If you are in doubt about the value of the trade in item, dont throw in chest.Use the appraise to see what its worth.

Dont waste your time Trading in a zanthes elf. Cuz they arent worth anything at all. LOL just kidding...

oops power scrolls are worth trading i think they go for 100s of points. 105'S are 100 i think, 110s 200. not sure of both values but i think thats what they gave. I did not try 115s or 120s. Not sure about trancendence, or alacrity.

Mama Faith

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thank you for the good info, Silm. I'm anxious for the clean-up to turn on so I can downsize the amount of stored items in my house in case the billing doesn't get my account figured out. I'm moving it to the bank just in case....


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That's good info. If I wasn't so sparklin' clean, I'd join in. I have no Spring Cleaning to do.


On test shard Lvl 11 arties are worth 5500 and others are worth 2750. Crystal and shadow deeds were worth 2500 each pc. Someone please check if bods are worth anything. I got tons of em.