Try writing Mesanna about it, though I doubt there is anything anyone can do now as those points are likely not kept in a log anywhere. Why would you hold on to points on an unsupported system this long anyway? Knowing UO's past eventually some patch will come along and break them completely by accident and there is nothing anyone can do because its an old, unsupported game system.
The points he is talking about are not "on an unsupported system." Back in September 2011,
just a little over two years ago, publish 72 brought in the current cleanup system, which included bringing over any points someone still had left in the spring cleaning system that was active for about 4 months in 2008. We also were able to turn in to the currently available system the green tickets that you got back in 2008 when you went to the drop off points and turned in items.
Unfortunately, trying to chase down a copy of the notices about the conversion of old points and the ability to turn in the old tickets wasn't easy, as the official website for UO maintains very little historical information these days. I did, however, finally find a copy of both notices on the UORPC web site.
Publish 72 notes originally posted on the UO Herald on 9/20/2011: [Notice how it says "Any leftover points for Spring Cleaning 2008 convert to points for Clean Up Britannia."]
Kai Schober's note on 9/30/2011 telling us to hold onto our old green spring cleaning tickets a little longer while they worked out some glitches on a few shards so you could turn them in for the new cleanup system:
I know I still have some old green spring cleaning tickets from 2008 in the bank for a few of my characters. Since there's very little in the current cleanup system that interests me, I was just hanging onto the old tickets as curiosity items, rather than turning them in. I would imagine there are probably scads of ex-players who quit playing after September 2008 who may also have some of the tickets in their bankbox or whose points in the old system were converted over to the current system if they couldn't find something to claim during the short period in 2008 (May 6 to September 10) when Spring Cleaning was active or perhaps just didn't acquire enough points to get what they wanted. And really....two years isn't that long ago. It would be pretty inexcusable if the data about the points that were automatically converted over from the 2008 system in September 2011 and have not yet been used has already been lost or corrupted.