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Spring Clean Up!



Talk is brewing over a possible spring clean up soon...
Assuming that this is true and correct, and that you had an opportunity to tell the devs what you wanted to see on the turn in list, what would it be?

Suggestions already include:

1.) Small Pieces of Blackrock
2.) Fishing Loot
3.) Deed Items (Mini Houses etc..)
4.) Holiday excess (Snowflakes Containers etc..)
5.) Smithy Rewards (Mining gloves, shovels etc..)
6.) Dungeon & Doom Artifacts
7.) Old Stealables
8.) Mil Checks (Cap of ?m per character)

Add to the list!! Who knows - maybe messana will read the post. =]


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Here are a few more to consider:

1: Blue Crystallized Essence
2: Merchant/Pirate Liquors
3: Halloween 2 Tone Cloth
4: Used Up Soulstone Fragments

Muu Bin

Considering that spring cleaning is getting rid of old stuff or things stored away, I would like to add into that "Holiday Excess" category, things related to Halloween like candy and rare items.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I would like these items to be added to spring clean list.....

1. Unwanted bods
2. T Maps
3. Seeds

Tribute House

Ide like to see everything that made it on the spring cleaning list of 08' updated to include SA minors & Treasures of Tokuno (can't remember if these made it on the original list). And then all the common event items collected in mass quantities since: pearl necklaces, melissa's cloaks, glass daggers, newer holiday items, anniversary tics & redeemed items...i like the idea of fishing items too, give folks an even more compelling reason to get out on the water :)

Trash Collector

Most of the items listed were on the last Spring Cleanup and I would love it if they were on there again. Surprising, and depressing, to see how many holiday items I still had leftover from last time when I thought I'd turned them all in. Sucks when I ended up just shy of the points I needed for a complete Sorcerer's suit. :(

I'm really looking forward to purging the accounts yet again!!


With the introduction of Imbuing I have little use for things like the Sorcerer's Suit, the Etoile/Novo Jewel Set and some of the other PAST TURN IN REWARDS.

Would I be crazy for suggesting those old rewards for turn in for better or more "useful" rewards like a T-Map/S.o.S. Books?!?!
(Bod type for sorting and storage)

Might be smart to create some space savers for the "common use/new content!"


Would I be crazy for suggesting those old rewards for turn in for better or more "useful" rewards like a T-Map/S.o.S. Books?!?!
(Bod type for sorting and storage)
Not crazy at all! I L-O-V-E the idea of sos books...would free up a ton of space for me!!


Stratics Veteran
OMG, it would be terrific to get rid of some of this stuff... are they actually going to do this???

signed: "Drowning In Crap"

Trash Collector

OMG, it would be terrific to get rid of some of this stuff... are they actually going to do this???

signed: "Drowning In Crap"
They did it last in 2008 and have commented on it a few times since the last HoC was posted. Last ran from May through to the end of summer (with 3 waves of items to turn in), which was pretty freakin' cool.

An SOS and/or T-Map book would be awesome beyond words. I'd trade in everything I could for multiples of those! Even if they had a limit of 125, I'd still get as many as humanly possible!


Spring Clean Up would also be a great place to store those 13th Anni bags, fruit baskets etc...

Lets test the waters even further...
What do you think about the idea of turning in Relic Frags for points?
Maybe cap that to 500 or something...


Talk is brewing over a possible spring clean up soon...
Assuming that this is true and correct, and that you had an opportunity to tell the devs what you wanted to see on the turn in list, what would it be?

Suggestions already include:

1.) Small Pieces of Blackrock
2.) Fishing Loot
3.) Deed Items (Mini Houses etc..)
4.) Holiday excess (Snowflakes Containers etc..)
5.) Smithy Rewards (Mining gloves, shovels etc..)
6.) Dungeon & Doom Artifacts
7.) Old Stealables
8.) Mil Checks (Cap of ?m per character)

Add to the list!! Who knows - maybe messana will read the post. =]
Should not include items that people can still get in game. There is no point of a clean up for items that people can just replace (exception being gold).


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Should not include items that people can still get in game. There is no point of a clean up for items that people can just replace (exception being gold).

When they did spring cleaning in 2008 there were multiple items that could still be farmed in game, and I'm failing to see how that is a bad thing. There should be farmable items on that list otherwise only "old time players" would benefit from the spring cleaning.


Should not include items that people can still get in game. There is no point of a clean up for items that people can just replace (exception being gold).
I can see where you are coming from on this, however, other than idocs when else would anyone plan on cleaning out that max storage house full of crap that for some reason they cling to for yet another year?

If not spring cleaning - then when?

If not farmables then what about plants?

(Lets be honest here - how many orange pampas plants
do you think bog down your game everday?)

Idc what items get turned in. Effectiveness is key to getting this crap cleaned up while we have the opportunity to do so.

A place for everything and everything in its place!

Like seeing the input on this thread - lets hear some more positive ideas that can help generate an effective spring cleaning for 2011!!


*coughs* why not implement a "year round cleaning program"

Instead of using EM's to generate items of imense/rare value and saturating the economy with them, lets use this opportunity and a new cleaning program to BOTH help fix latency issues and develop new/unique/useable items for players to enjoy....YEAR ROUND!


Or a Blackrock Stacker - (made by a goblin engineer of course)

Maybe this is a bit over zealous, but something to think about anyways...

*Transfer tokens, Advanced Character Tokens, Name Change Tokens*
(I think you can see where im going with this)

*sits back and watches for shark fins*


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Talk is brewing over a possible spring clean up soon...
Assuming that this is true and correct, and that you had an opportunity to tell the devs what you wanted to see on the turn in list, what would it be?

Suggestions already include:

1.) Small Pieces of Blackrock
2.) Fishing Loot
3.) Deed Items (Mini Houses etc..)
4.) Holiday excess (Snowflakes Containers etc..)
5.) Smithy Rewards (Mining gloves, shovels etc..)
6.) Dungeon & Doom Artifacts
7.) Old Stealables
8.) Mil Checks (Cap of ?m per character)

Add to the list!! Who knows - maybe messana will read the post. =]
Should not include items that people can still get in game. There is no point of a clean up for items that people can just replace (exception being gold).
Somewhat agree on this. Spring cleaning should be about just that, cleaning out what you already have.

I wouldnt go so far as to limit the list to only items no longer spawning in game, but would limit the worth of such items. For example, fish could be turned in, but would not be worth enough points for people to actually go out and fish, Just to turn in, because thats not cleaning, its farming, and UO has more than enough farming already.

I understand that people who dont "hoard" would be at a disadvantage, but theres so much else to do in UO that it really shouldnt matter.


Stratics Veteran
I would certainly like something useful to do with the thousands of bright orange and bright green reeds I've got stacked up - I can only do so many orange and green baskets. lol


First off, I don't want to see anything that certain skills are needed to get .. like fish, blackrock , crafted items .. that would put certain people at a huge advantage.

I would like to see some of those crystallized essences be on the list since they are absolutely useless.
rubble from the magincia quest
Threads of thought and the other 2
Artifacts .. not the stealables but the ones that drop in bag
practice weapons


Completed Tmaps!
Does anyone even turn into the Britain Library anymore?


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Some of this was already stated above, but I would like to see

All Stealables
All Marties
All Doom Artifacts
All BOD rewards

as turn in items. Lets face it, all that stuff just keeps making its way into UO, but almost never "goes away". Yes, I know there is always the trash, it just seems like such a waste.

Lets add Talismans, while we are at it. Noting to do with them but throw them away, as you cannot unravel them.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
First off, I don't want to see anything that certain skills are needed to get .. like fish, blackrock , crafted items .. that would put certain people at a huge advantage.

I would like to see some of those crystallized essences be on the list since they are absolutely useless.
rubble from the magincia quest
Threads of thought and the other 2
Artifacts .. not the stealables but the ones that drop in bag
practice weapons
Funny thing is blackrock is easier to get with 0 skill than anything you mentioned. Just run around and pick it up off the ground! They are everywhere since many miners just drop it on the ground.