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[SPOILER ALERT] Attention Tinkers & Trap Removers!

Tina Small

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If you enjoying removing traps, there's a fun new quest in the Underworld that may be just up your alley, especially if you also have a tinker that enjoys blowing up stuff for fun and profit.

I need a few guinea pigs to try out the trap kits from the quest to help figure out the minimum skill levels for being able to complete the quest and then for actually using the traps and anything else about them that is noteworthy (e.g., what can they damage/kill).

Here's what I know about the quest and traps at this point

Quest Name: Done In The Name of Tinkering
Quest NPC and Location: Fiddling Tobin The Tinker, found in The Underworld
Description: Travel into the Abyss and find five floor traps using the Detect Hidden skill. Collect the floor traps by using the Remove Trap skill. Bring the components of the trap to Tobin for your reward.

Tobin: "The name's Tobin, friend. Specialist in all forms of tinkerin' that involves traps. Only private contract stuff of course, royal projects an' the like. I've joined this Society of Ariel Haven so that I might find any new devices that might be in this ancient place.

"Say then, this old bird Dugan has been holding us up with a bunch of bureaucratic mumbo jumbo. Something about dangerous creatures or some such. Since you ain't under her thunb, why don't you go look around and bring ol' Tobin back any traps ye discover. I'll need several specimens to work out the particulars. In exchange, I will share with ye any tinkeries I discover from it. What do you say?"

You find and remove 5 floor trap components and bring them back to Tobin. He rewards you with 5 floor trap kits.

You need a minimum amount of tinkering in order to be able to place and hide the traps. 50 tinkering isn't enough, but I don't know what the minimum is. If you can remove traps and have a character with tinkering somewhere between 50 and GM, would you like to try to help discover the minimum tinkering skill required to use these traps?

You can have up to seven traps placed at a time. They appear to be one-use traps and only do damage to monsters. (I tested them in Fel as well as in Trammel.) If a monster (or a character) walks over them, they are triggered and appear to become useless. (They can no longer be detected after they have been walked over and yet they still seem to count against the max number of traps that can be placed even though they are no longer visible.) They expire after some length of time, but I haven't discovered yet how long they last. You cannot be flying or mounted when you place the traps. They can be detected by other characters and it appears that no detect hidden skill is required to temporarily reveal the traps.

One of my little skill point holders with virtually no skills except a bit of chivalry and about 93 tinkering was able to blow up a hopper and an elven brigrand using the traps, once I somewhat mastered the tactic of getting the monster to follow her over the traps. She's not really up to dungeon diving to see what else she can kill with the traps, so I'm hoping someone else with a nice adventerous tinker might want to mess with the traps and see what they can do.


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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i took my GM detector / GM trap remover in there and chained that quest the first day.

i picked up a LOT of the traps.
then went to place them and was dissapointed to find that i needed tinkering to place them.
so thankfully they all stack and i just tossed them in a crate.

i cant forsee a time when my mule will adventure into the underworld in search of fun.

you know those mules.
hang out at the fordge all day telling dirty jokes and cat calling the girls that walk by.

Lord Drakelord

i cant forsee a time when my mule will adventure into the underworld in search of fun.

you know those mules.
hang out at the fordge all day telling dirty jokes and cat calling the girls that walk by.
Or at the boys, quite a few female mules out there.


I know these used to be viable skills, but where are they used today other then this quest? Factions?


Stratics Legend
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Now if they only removed the 100 skill point pre req for one of the most useless skills in the game, I might actually be persuaded to fiddle around with it.


Stratics Legend
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As soon Shard comes up i'll take my tinkerer to daemon temple on Fire island and place some traps and try to lure a daemon in it. We will see What happends. He is GM tinkerer but also runs fast. ;)

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
I know these used to be viable skills, but where are they used today other then this quest? Factions?
I wonder if they would be used more if players could craft floor traps to use in PvP (other than the faction traps that currently exist).


Stratics Legend
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It did 29 damage with 1 trap on a Daemon with GM tinkering.

Can't be mounted when placing it and it takes a few seconds.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
So it's useless then?
Not quite. I'd call it more a "work in progress." I suspect that the developer who put in the quest would love to see some discussion among players about the whole topic of using floor traps both for PvM and PvP and some feedback on what people think of the traps from the quest and how they might be modified to make them more desirable.


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
So it's useless then?
You can place the traps while stealthing about, so the time it takes to set it is not really an issue, but how many Tinkerers have stealth? I do.

Soul stones dont have a timer on them anymore, so you can put stealth on whenever.

I'd like to be able to enhance the traps with alchemy, and put poison or explosive pots in them.

A remote control device would be nice too. Differnet types of traps, not all working on a pressure plate, some could have proximity detectors and go off, or no detector of its own, the player who placed the trap has to push a button on thier remote control to trigger them.

Then they could be daisy chained, wired in a series to go off one after another.

PvP should work too, not just PvM...