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  • Thread starter Primal_Scream
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Found it at a idoc. I am not a rare collector but the dude that I showed it too said it was a good find.


That's not a good find, that's a great find!
It's a server birth item found at the Tavern in Serpent's Hold. A true rare.

If I had to guess at a price, I'd say at least 40m.
Unfortunately, I don't know if its been duped or not. If not, I'd guess more, if it was, I'd guess less.

Can anyone confirm this?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
aye it was unfortunately one of the many rares that were on all the dupers vends for around 30m....ive seen them recently sell for 50-60m (not for sure whether or not they actualy sold but they were for sale hehe) but IMO....around 30-40m is avr price for that one


Imo 60-70 easy. How much did you sell yours for again a few months back, TheGwy?


holy cow chessy is where I found it and if I had to guess I would say it wasnt a duep because the idoc was all dbl exception stuff and tele charge items.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i think Gwy had his at 40 or 50...and i think he still has it....and im not saying you cant get 60-70 but i am saying it isnt worth that at all IMO simply because of how many i seen on vends back when duping was going on for 30m or so.....30-40m should be the avr price on those...but yes you can pull 50+ off em


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That makes me feel silly, seeing how I sold mine for 7 million to a friend a few years back. (That I got in that castle idoc on Baja, Sarsmi. The one with the tent deed.)

*smacks forehead*


I remember that idoc, because I was chatting with ya'll then the shard went down, and I decided to take a nap, then I overslept and woke up when it had fallen 20 minutes earlier. It's easy to remember the screw ups.

I was totally going to go for the spittoon too! Even tho I think at the time blue tent deeds were valued higher. I can't resist cute little shiny things, tho I have a pretty decent collection of various types of rare deeds.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oh I know! It made a cute ink well for a little while on my desk. hehe



That makes me feel silly, seeing how I sold mine for 7 million to a friend a few years back. (That I got in that castle idoc on Baja, Sarsmi. The one with the tent deed.)

*smacks forehead*

[/ QUOTE ]

if ur referring to the one u sold me it was 17m and i still have it!

oh by the way was that idoc in fel im talking to the person who is asking for the price check... because i almost never miss fell idocs except recently with new arties and all havent dont much idoc hunting, even missed a loaded keep on ice island fel today :/


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I could have sworn it was 7! I just remember seeing it on your vendor for tonssss more than I sold it to you for! Was a little disappointed. I tend to sell to friends way cheaper than the going rate.


im positive i paid 17 for it and what are u talking about lol? its been in my keep since i bought it, i collect rares



That makes me feel silly, seeing how I sold mine for 7 million to a friend a few years back. (That I got in that castle idoc on Baja, Sarsmi. The one with the tent deed.)

*smacks forehead*

[/ QUOTE ]

God. Tent deed... You just reminded me of one of my stupid UO moments. Back when AOS had just come out I was setting up a vendor shop/museum. I logged out on one char to grab something from another char, and forgot I had a green tent deed and a blue tent deed in my pack. When I logged back in they gone bye bye. I was soooo pissed at myself.

