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(RP) Spirits in the Bottle

Hunters' Moon

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I sighed deeply as I slumped onto my small bed. "Too much ale again." I said to myself as I rubbed the knot,and the marks of a womans fingernails, on my forehead. "I can only blame myself for this....*sighs* and why did I have to mention Alexia's name. That was supposed to be a secret,I guess."

As I set up in my bed,I looked over at the half-emptied bottle of rum. I quickly stood up just to have the rush of too much ale and the pain in my forehead stagger me as I walk,drunkenly,toward my dinner table. I quickly grab up the bottle and almost drop it.

*sniff sniff* Yes I did enjoy the aroma of it. Almost too much,and at a heavy price have I kept it with me.

"Penelope" I said,as I kept a hold of the bottle. "Oh no...what if she finds out what I have done?" Anger started to build up in side of me. In my fury at the situation I put myself in,I flung the bottle of rum against the stone walls. The smell of the rum fills the room.

"I know what I have to do." *Breathes in deeply to muster some courage* "I will tell Penelope that I must go off for a while and come back when everything has blown over....and as for Alexia...I don't think she would come looking for me anyway."

I head down stairs to grab a blank parchment and some ink from the scrappers box. "Should I put this on the door...maybe not. I don't want everyone knowing I have left.I know....I'll tack it to the pool Penelope helped me build.Yes,that will do nicely."

~~~~~Letter to Penelope~~~~~​

Lady Penelope--

It is with regret that I must take a leave for a business oppertunity.It was an offer I could not turn down. I should be back in two weeks to a month. Please do not come looking for me.Just stay safe at the Hunters Moon and enjoy the pool you helped me build.


Hunters' Moon

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
~Posted on behalf of Penelope~

Humming softly to herself Penelope meandered through the forest returning to the home of Marcello. She was bringing a few items to help make his home a bit more homey. Rounding the corner she ran right into him as he was rushing out, he had a bag packed and seemed less than happy to see her.

His explanation of needing to be on the road for busniess was sorrow to her ears but she understood the need to occupy ones hands with productivity. Although she didnt think he was telling her the whole story.

When she noticed the fresh wounds on his forehead she got an idea of what the real reason for his hasty retreat may be. He insisted that all was well, but she knew better.

One look into his eyes told her of his shame and guilt. She reached up to him and kissed the wounds on his forehead without saying a word. A soft caress to his cheek told him what he needed to know, then she turned and walked back to Shadow Moore to wait for his return.


Stratics Veteran
A little late but better late than never​

Alexia woke up the next morning feeling a bit groggy with a headache. Looking around, she could tell she was not at her house… but where was she? Lying back down on the bed, she tried to recount the last evening’s events. She remembered going by Marcello’s house and them going to Ques for a drink and how awful the ale tasted. She must have taken it a bit far, as she thought she remembered Luna trying to make her go home and not wanting to leave the Marcello’s company for he was one of the few persons who did not treat her as a child. Alexia moaned as she sat up again slowly only to get dizzy again. Putting her hand to her head, she decided it was time to make her way home. The tavern cook was bringing her a plate of food as she was opening the door but the smell was revolting as Alexia shook her head to him. Thankfully, she had the peace of mind to use her spell to recall home.

A couple of nights later, Callista came to speak to her in a mad rush. What was wrong with her and why was it so darned important that she go on this shopping trip? After trying to calm Callista down for what seemed like forever, Alexia finally got the word Marcello out of Calli. Alexia blushed because no one was supposed to have known what had occurred between the two of them in the hot tub. Surely the ghost had not said anything and she would have thought Marcello to have not said anything either. Men and their big mouths!! What all had he told her she just wondered? Calli refused to give up any information other than to warn her to stay away from guys like him. A shopping trip for supplies did sound fun and it would give her a chance to think of what exactly she would say to Marcello the next time she saw him.