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Spined Leather????????????


The Markness

Where in Britannia can I sell spined leather? I have been getting some off of mobs like dire wolves, lizardmen, etc., but nobody will buy them!

If I can't sell them to an NPC, then please let me know, I'm troubled by this.:wall:


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well always try the provisioner, that person usually buys everything.

The Markness

I'd like to think that I can sell these to an NPC, because my tailoring skill isn't high enough to use them in any fashion, and the mobs that drop them are plentiful enough that I don't need to take up space hoarding them. If this isn't true, it would seem that UO is flawed in this context.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Have you considered setting up a vendor and selling the leather to other players?

There's quite a demand for colored leather on most shards.

Since hides and cut leather stack, it won't take up much space. If you keep it all, you'll be glad you have it when your tailoring skill is high enough to use it with Runic Kits.

The Markness

Well, no I didn't think of that.:dunce:I'm still kinda new to this game, so I'm not sure how to set up a vendor yet, but if someone were to walk me through it...:D


Cobblers and Tanners will purchase all leathers but will pay less than another player.

Much better to save or sell to a player.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
I haven't tried finding an NPC to buy Spined leather, but one thing you could do to get rid of it is through the Britain Library Community Collection. I know you only get 5 points per piece, but you would only need to turn in a measley 20,000 pieces to get a nice sash! Otherwise, if you're on Cats I'll buy them off you... :)


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hmm, do you need to cut the leather before selling it?

If that's the case them perhaps Markness just needs to cut it :D


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
awww the newbs are soo cute when they are young. :)

The Markness

Pics for proof, just wanna show that I'm doing what you guys told me to do...Might make things a bit easier.

Selling at the Provisioner, Cobbler, and Tanner



The Markness

awww the newbs are soo cute when they are young. :)
For the record I played this for about a year back in 97, but stopped after a friend from high school sabotaged my account after my little brother gave him the password...I've just recently picked it back up, and HOOBOY there have been some changes!


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Have you tried putting it in your main bag and not a bag within? (no idea if it matters)


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
awww the newbs are soo cute when they are young. :)
The old days of fighting a cat as a newbie and almost dieing, lol.
...mm, that was a long time ago...
Now days cats die at the simplest hit...sigh.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
just put a few K in a deed and goto the bank, someone will buy it pretty quickly too..
i get about 40 to 45 per at the bank..


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hmm, must be stingy tanners.

Best bet now is to just sell to players.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The cobbler in New Haven will accept it (it will look like regular leather in the trade window but if you mouse over it, it shows as spined leather). However, the NPC will only buy at 2gp per piece, the same as regular leather and not really worth the time and effort.

I would simply save it, piled up in a corner of your bank box or in box in your house. Eventually either make a tailor or sell it to another player (most people buy only in quantities of 1000+ though).


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The old days of fighting a cat as a newbie and almost dieing, lol.
...mm, that was a long time ago...
Now days cats die at the simplest hit...sigh.
My first death was to a cat. Right near the bank of Minoc. My bones were promptly picked clean by the vultures.

OP, Yup things have changed. I have seen that the vendors on LS dont buy colored leather when I have tried it.


Where in Britannia can I sell spined leather? I have been getting some off of mobs like dire wolves, lizardmen, etc., but nobody will buy them!

If I can't sell them to an NPC, then please let me know, I'm troubled by this.:wall:
What shard you in? We can buy it from you


If you think you may do Bods in the future then i'd advise you to keep every scrap of leather you get.


You sell un-cut leather to furtraders. You sell cut leather to tanners.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Which shard is it on? I know there was a guy posting in the trade forums paying a crazy amount for coloured leather on certain shards..

Mark Knotts

If you're having to cut up leather you should look into getting a Butcher's War Cleaver. You don't have to have it equipped to use it.

The primary reason to carry the war cleaver is that when it is used on a leather-bearing corpse, it skins the hides, converts them into leather, and automatically places them directly into your backpack, thus skipping the steps of opening the corpse, moving the hides, and using scissors. A character must be standing close to, or on, the corpse, or the leather will remain on the corpse.

The Butcher's War Cleaver will continue to auto-loot leather until approximately 100 stones are left in the character's carrying capacity.


Changes ... uh, gee ya THINK! <chuckle>

Welcome back to the fray! If ye cannot sell to NPCs at all, you might wish to try your shard forum and sell to a bodrunner-tailor or something. That's how I financed my house when I returned 5 years ago.

Warpig Inc

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There is always turning it in to the library for the tallies. Even without the owned by noone they can be your fastest sale. But I have to go with all the others.........takes one slot Keep It.

The Markness

Well, I lurked in the forums a bit around here, and then ran some errands. You guys seem to look down on people like me(and you prolly will after I tell you this, sry:( )But I'm currently playing on a free shard.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well, I lurked in the forums a bit around here, and then ran some errands. You guys seem to look down on people like me(and you prolly will after I tell you this, sry:( )But I'm currently playing on [name removed] which is a free shard. I've seen flame wars start over playing on free shards, but I'm broke and addicted. If anyone wants to buy some from me in the future I'm on [name removed]. I hope I didn't offend anyone by not playing the REAL thing.
I don't look down on people who play free shards, but you do nothing to support the game. However I know what it's like to be broke, it sucks.

You will run into a lot of issues that cannot be resolved by people here because of it -free shards are not exact copies, which is probably why you can't sell your leather to the tanners or furtraders.

The advice to save it is good. It takes up one slot and is something you can gather over time for yourself or you can try to sell it at the bank when you get 1k to stick in a commodity deed (5 gps from NPC bankers). I get 40k per 1k spined on my shard, but I have no clue how the free shard economies work.

The Markness

'currently playing on [name removed] which is'...'in the future I'm on [name removed]. I hope I didn't offend...'

Should I have not put the name of the shard in my post? I'll erase it if I have to, I don't want to get in trouble.


UO Forum Moderator
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'currently playing on [name removed] which is'...'in the future I'm on [name removed]. I hope I didn't offend...'

Should I have not put the name of the shard in my post? I'll erase it if I have to, I don't want to get in trouble.
Simply put, it's against the rules to mention freeshards by name or address here.

BTW, The legal shards are getting a major expansion in 2 weeks, so consider trying them out then.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
'currently playing on [name removed] which is'...'in the future I'm on [name removed]. I hope I didn't offend...'

Should I have not put the name of the shard in my post? I'll erase it if I have to, I don't want to get in trouble.
Yah go back and edit the name out, or a mod'll ask you to do it (or will just move the post).

The Markness

Simply put, it's against the rules to mention freeshards by name or address here.

BTW, The legal shards are getting a major expansion in 2 weeks, so consider trying them out then.
I'll definitely have to check that out if I have any money by then, thx for the heads up. I edited the post cuz I really don't want to get in trouble, I like it here, you guys are really helpful!:D


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Where in Britannia can I sell spined leather? I have been getting some off of mobs like dire wolves, lizardmen, etc., but nobody will buy them!

If I can't sell them to an NPC, then please let me know, I'm troubled by this.:wall:
I just went to Minoc and 2 people I tried to sell spined leather to were the tanner and the cobbler. Both were willing to buy it. However if you come after someone else sells a large quanity of leather, your sale my not go thru. You may get an" I can no longer purchase.... try some other adventurers" message. At which point you can recall to other cities or sell your leather to other players.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well, I lurked in the forums a bit around here, and then ran some errands. You guys seem to look down on people like me(and you prolly will after I tell you this, sry:( )But I'm currently playing on a free shard.
Not at all :D

Although I only play OSI (now EA/Mythic/Bioware) shards, I'm actually very pleased that there are alot of player-run shards out there (be it free or not).

This shows that the game does indeed have alot of fans and players. Meaning there's a good potential to draw these players back into the fold of EA shards. Like lower fees etc etc.

Something I am impressed with is that EA is big enough about it and I'd not heard of them trying to shut down the player run shards unlike other companies.

Now still, Stratics being a prominent fansite for EA's UO, it will look bad if the mods do not moderate posts that promotes their unlicensed competitors or even mention player-run shards by name. Hence the rules. Same rules apply for illegal 3rd party apps etc.

As to your issue of not being to sell your spined leather to vendors, if you are trying to do so on a player-run shard, highlight the issue to the folks that run that shard, they should be able to fix it quickly or advise you on th ereason why this is being done.

Also, note that all the player-run shards have their own forums that may be more helpful regarding your issue. Each player-run shard have their own different rulesets and features (tip: google "<the shard name> +forum") :D


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well I guess that explains why you couldn't sell your leather to the NPC :p
Naturally player-run shards differ from EA run shards in even the littlest of ways.

Could have sworn I posted this earlier...did I mention a bad thing or did I simply forget to hit submit? lol


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'd like to think that I can sell these to an NPC, because my tailoring skill isn't high enough to use them in any fashion, and the mobs that drop them are plentiful enough that I don't need to take up space hoarding them. If this isn't true, it would seem that UO is flawed in this context.
You may also consider stocking that leather as it might be usefull later for training tailoring at higher level

The Markness

Wow, I really didn't expect to generate this much response on such a simple(yeah, right)question. Thank you everyone for the help, this makes me want to stay here and learn everything I can from all you experienced players. I have much respect for the hard work and time dedicated to developing these characters, so again thanks for all the help, and I'm sure I'll have another question down the line.