Well, I lurked in the forums a bit around here, and then ran some errands. You guys seem to look down on people like me(and you prolly will after I tell you this, sry

)But I'm currently playing on a free shard.
Not at all
Although I only play OSI (now EA/Mythic/Bioware) shards, I'm actually very pleased that there are alot of player-run shards out there (be it free or not).
This shows that the game does indeed have alot of fans and players. Meaning there's a good potential to draw these players back into the fold of EA shards. Like lower fees etc etc.
Something I am impressed with is that EA is big enough about it and I'd not heard of them trying to shut down the player run shards unlike other companies.
Now still, Stratics being a prominent fansite for EA's UO, it will look bad if the mods do not moderate posts that promotes their unlicensed competitors or even mention player-run shards by name. Hence the rules. Same rules apply for illegal 3rd party apps etc.
As to your issue of not being to sell your spined leather to vendors, if you are trying to do so on a player-run shard, highlight the issue to the folks that run that shard, they should be able to fix it quickly or advise you on th ereason why this is being done.
Also, note that all the player-run shards have their own forums that may be more helpful regarding your issue. Each player-run shard have their own different rulesets and features (tip: google "<the shard name> +forum")