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Ivory Norwind

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sorry if i write also in this forum but i think that it's an important question. I think it's like a bug
I've lost the spellweaving book of my arcanist. How can i obtein it without make the quest another time?
I've already 120 SP. But if i go to heathood the arcanists don't have books to sell to me. How have i do?
How to obtein a new spellweaving book??
I don't care of scrolls, i can refill the book. But the book????
It's normal that i have to make the quest another time? NO, isn't it?
Then, how is the way to obtein the book??
It's seems to me a little bug.
Someone can help me?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sorry if i write also in this forum but i think that it's an important question. I think it's like a bug
I've lost the spellweaving book of my arcanist. How can i obtein it without make the quest another time?
I've already 120 SP. But if i go to heathood the arcanists don't have books to sell to me. How have i do?
How to obtein a new spellweaving book??
I don't care of scrolls, i can refill the book. But the book????
It's normal that i have to make the quest another time? NO, isn't it?
Then, how is the way to obtein the book??
It's seems to me a little bug.
Someone can help me?
Only way to get the book is through the quest. And if you soul stone your spell weaving to another character you MUST complete the quest with that character before you can cast any spells.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The spell books can be found at IDOCS (house decays) and may end up on the market for sale.

You might try your shard specific Forum here and ask if anyone has one they would be willing to part with.

You might try to buy one through your shard specific Trade/Sell Forum here.

Bomb Bloke

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This is also true of the Summon Fiend/Fey scrolls: You either quest for 'em, or you can't cast 'em.

Ivory Norwind

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I need a spellbook when i am already a spellcaster.
It's a good idea to find a book in a vendor but i think that it's a bug. In Europa there no vendor that has sp book. And all other books ( ninja, chivalry, bushido) are available..
It's seems to me that not finding in game another SP book IS A BUG!!!!!!!!!!!
I( don't want summon fay or fiends scroll. I want a sipll empty book.
I'm very angry!!!!!!!!!!

But there is some dev that read this forum????
I have 5 accounts, but i'm very very bored. I think that i close all accounts.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well, no answer????
No, there was no answer in the 30 minutes since your last post. Hmmm.....let's consider why.

Well, for one, it's the weekend. For two, while the devs do read this board, Stratics is not an official UO site. Your post tile also doesn't scream "Read me!"


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well, no answer????
We gave you an answer. You apparently didn't like it. So here's a different answer:

These spellbooks don't grow on trees (ok, well yes, they do grow on trees but they grow very, very slowly) and are an exceedingly precious gift, a sacred trust given by the elves to those who will care for them.

If, in your carelessness, you have betrayed this trust and, horror-of-horrors, LOST one of these tomes, do not expect the elves to trust you again so quickly. Be thankful that the road to redeem yourself is not twice as long and twice as hard.

And if you are too lazy or too stubborn to do your penance then you are not worthy to hold another book in your hands again (or so goes the logic of the stern elven elders).


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I need a spellbook when i am already a spellcaster.
It's a good idea to find a book in a vendor but i think that it's a bug. In Europa there no vendor that has sp book. And all other books ( ninja, chivalry, bushido) are available..
It's seems to me that not finding in game another SP book IS A BUG!!!!!!!!!!!
I( don't want summon fay or fiends scroll. I want a sipll empty book.
I'm very angry!!!!!!!!!!

But there is some dev that read this forum????
I have 5 accounts, but i'm very very bored. I think that i close all accounts.
My 2cp.s and that makes it more or less worthless advice :(

Your angry and upset. That is understandable.

Quiting the game is always an option, if you do it for this reason, you will most likely regret your choice.

If you do it because your bored and need a break, then the eventual outcome will probably be a lot better from your perspective.

In short, do not do rash things, like we all tend to do, when we are upset. Good luck in your journey with this one, I suspect you could have a new book in just a few hours, by taking an existing non spell weaving character that is well developed and do the quest. They wont gain any skill points and they will get the book. :)

I did mine quest with the Naughty Evles and I think was kill 40 rats and 20 Reapers or something to that effect. The biggest problem was getting to the Naughty Elves and back out. Zero problem for a Peacer or a Stealther .....

I will say this though and it is not part of the advice, demanding things of Draconi / the UO team wont get you what you want. We all need to remember these are Human Beings, they have a Life, Family etc. They very much do deserve to have .... their time.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If you are on Atlantic, I have several extra books, as I have done the quest a number of times (10 to be exact). Just contact me and I'll get you one.

Heart Breaker

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I still don't understand how losing a book is considered a bug. The quest isn't that difficult to do, I've done it on 4 chars, none of which have any spellweaving skill at all. *shrugs*

Not a big deal, and no reason at all to get angry at. There aren't many on vendors because if you do the quest, you get the book. No need for the book at all if you don't do the quest. It's a vicious circle. ;)


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I still don't understand how losing a book is considered a bug.

There aren't many on vendors because if you do the quest, you get the book. No need for the book at all if you don't do the quest. It's a vicious circle. ;)
Just my 2cp's.

I suspect the OP is really meaning it is an issue that the book back not be bought vs a Real Time Game Code "Bug".

I also suspect the OP is saying that if for what ever the reason the Book is Lost, and let us say it were on Sp for example were there is a single character per account, then effectively you can not get a book again, without deleting the character.

As I said before and in agreement with that part of your post, it isn't like you can use the Book/Spells unless you have completed the quest.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I also suspect the OP is saying that if for what ever the reason the Book is Lost, and let us say it were on Sp for example were there is a single character per account, then effectively you can not get a book again, without deleting the character.
um ... you don't need to use a different character ... you can do the quests over again on the same character to get another book/copy of the friend-of-fey spell. If *that* isn't working, then I would consider it a problem.

Law of Hell

ur on euro, outside luna walls north east corner full sw book 450k


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
um ... you don't need to use a different character ... you can do the quests over again on the same character to get another book/copy of the friend-of-fey spell. If *that* isn't working, then I would consider it a problem.
Hum, I know when I did this for both accounts just recently that the quest would not be offered to My Negative Fame/Karma Necromancer, based on his attempt to get it for 25 consecutive tries and only getting quests that seemed to be geared towards increasing Fame/Karma.

I will NOT swear to this but I though I tried to get it on the First SpellWeaver to make sure I was on the right person and got some message about having found the path already (or some such unmemorable line).

I think I will go log in on the one Spell Weaver and go to HeartWood and try.

I think one could make an argument that all other Spell Books are NPC Vendored except the Spell Weaving Spell Book.

Addendum: I did get the quest offered. I did not accept it. So yeah it appears that the same character can redo the quest.

Ivory Norwind

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
um ... you don't need to use a different character ... you can do the quests over again on the same character to get another book/copy of the friend-of-fey spell. If *that* isn't working, then I would consider it a problem.
For the friend of fay there is a quest only for that scroll. It doesn't give to you the book but only a scroll.

It's unsense to do the quest another time to become arcanist only to give the boof again. I AM ALREADY AN ARCANIST!!!! With 120 of skill. I've already made the quest! Why i have to make it another time???? I can buy or find in some loot ALL the books. For the arcanist book it HAD to be the same.
It's a bug, stop.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This is not a bug. You lost the book. You either have to do the quest again, which is not all that hard, or buy one. Plenty of people have even given you vendor info.

It's not a bug that you don't like the answer.

Ivory Norwind

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Plenty of people have even given you vendor info.

It's not a bug that you don't like the answer.
I appreciate that all people have help me. I thank them very much.
But i contiue to think that it's not normal that all the books can be buyed or found in the loot while for the arcanist i have to made the quest another time how if i'm not already arcanist.
It's not right :thumbdown:


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
But i contiue to think that it's not normal that all the books can be buyed or found in the loot while for the arcanist i have to made the quest another time...
It's not right :thumbdown:
I think this is Ivory's issue.

I tend to agree with her that All the Spell Books can be bought and/or found as loot, except the Spell Weaving Book.

I am just not clear what harm it would be to have the Book for sale on one or all of the Arcanist.


So you do the quest again. How is this so hard? It's not a big deal. It's just plain not a bug.It's inconvenient. Not a bug. nothing's broken, or needs to be fixed. it's SUPPOSED to be more difficult to be an arcanist than it is a mage. That's the whole point.

In the time you've spent whining here... you could've just done the quest and had the book already.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am just not clear what harm it would be to have the Book for sale on one or all of the Arcanist.
Despite my harsh-sounding spin on it above, I can see it both ways. I'm not a big fan of "special unique skills" that have different requirements, but in the end spellweaving is a special and unique skill. Because of this (and it's considerable no-reagents-required power), the spellweaving book feels like an artifact to me rather than an ordinary spellbook - and if you lost an artifact spellbook, you couldn't replace it by going to an NPC.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Plenty of people have even given you vendor info.

It's not a bug that you don't like the answer.
I appreciate that all people have help me. I thank them very much.
But i contiue to think that it's not normal that all the books can be buyed or found in the loot while for the arcanist i have to made the quest another time how if i'm not already arcanist.
It's not right :thumbdown:
Ivory sweety choose your battles. It's not that big of a deal to do the quest again. It's not a very hard quest. No big deal. Complain about something else.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Despite my harsh-sounding spin on it above, I can see it both ways. I'm not a big fan of "special unique skills" that have different requirements, but in the end spellweaving is a special and unique skill. Because of this (and it's considerable no-reagents-required power), the spellweaving book feels like an artifact to me rather than an ordinary spellbook - and if you lost an artifact spellbook, you couldn't replace it by going to an NPC.
Ok, that is a valid point, one could argue that the book itself is the source of .... Reagents. Thus, one might argue that to lose that source of reagents is in fact consistent with the loss of reagents in relationship to Magery, Necromancy etc.

*Shrug* I can buy that.


For the friend of fay there is a quest only for that scroll. It doesn't give to you the book but only a scroll.

It's unsense to do the quest another time to become arcanist only to give the boof again. I AM ALREADY AN ARCANIST!!!! With 120 of skill. I've already made the quest! Why i have to make it another time???? I can buy or find in some loot ALL the books. For the arcanist book it HAD to be the same.
It's a bug, stop.
Well one can be a Ferrari but without gas it won't run hehe.

How could you lose it anyways just curios?

Ivory Norwind

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
In the time you've spent whining here... you could've just done the quest and had the book already.
Do you thing that i only write?
In the meanwhile i've made 2 time the arcanist quest and now i have two new spellweaving books.
Do you write only to make one more post???
I think that other people understand what i want to say.

Ivory Norwind

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Another think. For all books the spells can be created by a scribe. And for book like chivalry they are already in the book, for example.
For the spellweaving book there is another difficulty. NO SPELLS.
I make the quest, i have the book and then??
I know, i can buy by a vendor or kill monsters, monsters, monsters until i have all spells.
Excuse me if i continue to think that it's no right at all.

PS: Maplestone, speelweaving could be a "special unique skill" but why? Also chivalry is a "special unique skill", or bushido.....


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The elves have no banker, and they give beggars things, not gold.
It was part of the lore when Heartwood was created that elves do not use gold, and are not really interested in trade.
That would be why they do not sell the book.

Maybe they could set a quest which would give the book as a reward, without having to do the whole "learn spellweaving" Quest.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I don't think the developers allowed for the fact that someone could manage to lose a blessed spellbook.


I would say they allowed for it since they allow you to do the quest more than once (since the quest has no real reward other than that book) of course it could just be a shortcoming on their part, but meh.