Hmmm. Lol.
It looks like I have some homework to do... I'll have to try other SCNP weapons and trying it on other characters.
I'm using regs, however, and it drops with any spell I use. At least, gheal, heal, cure, archcure, invis, and res.
I'm running 125 strength, with no buffs from spells or items.
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Any chance you can put LRC on the character, get all the regs out of your pack, and then try it? I think you're on Siege so I'm not sure if you normally use LRC. Maybe try some arcane clothing (no regs in pack) if you don't want to do LRC. What happens if you drop the swords and put on a spell channeling shield and maybe a spellbook? Have you tried any other spells? Are you wearing any kind of quiver and if yes, is there anything in it and is it acting like it should with regard to displaying the weight of the quiver and contents? And which client are you using?
(I'm kind of going down the path that it might be a weight issue because I can't think of any other reason for a SC weapon to drop like that if you're just casting off the spell icon dragged out of a spell book. And if it is a weight issue, could the regs or something like a quiver be at the root of it.)