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Special Thanks.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yesterday we had our weekly event "Tour of Champions". And a little before the start someone ask me if we could use a medical team. I always welcome any help.
So they installed themself infront of Twisted Weald Entrance.
In a short time they decorated it nicely!

When we did the champion spawn it was a very hard and long battle But the people of the medical Team made it so much easier for us. We could keep going fast back after being killed. I Would even say that thanks to there presence we did not give up and defeated the Champion.

What makes it special is that they just did this to help us and got nothing in return for it. These are the moments that makes UO so great! Helping each other without wanted anything in return.
Some people still plays for fun! :D

So to all the good people out there, on what shard you are, Thank you!

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There's a guild on Europa, SRC, used to do this at every event. I think there's only John II left, but he still tries to be there whenever he can.

Lady Storm

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's nice to have a medical team when you hunt, many guilds I have had the pleasure of being in had such when we went out hunting. We made sure they got something out of the hunt for their troubles of pet and player healing. Made for great times and a better play. We even took turns manning the healing tasks.


Legendary Mall Santa
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The guys are adorable! Thanks for the help! That´s why I love Drachenfels!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There's a guild on Europa, SRC, used to do this at every event. I think there's only John II left, but he still tries to be there whenever he can.
I'm there for the Sosaria Red Cross on Aron too, hence the red cross uniform (red cloak over red half apron, white robe) I just don't drop the cloth cross any more to mark a spot as the EM events tend to move around too much, and it's better to be in close as our EMs love Putrifier Guardians, which means I'm more useful casting mass Poison Dispell....