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Special Move Questions


Lore Master
Force of Nature

Anyone try these out? Are they any good? Any details? I'm considering putting one of these on my dragon wolf along with AI and poison. I saw in the description that Force of Nature is based on STR so I was thinking it could be good on dragon wolf with over 800 STR.

On the other hand I'm considering only putting AI and poison on so dw would use AI more often.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
If you want more AI hits, then the old saying applies, “less is more”
I, personally, have no experience with either of the abilities you listed. I know Bladeweave was popular for a short time last year on cu sidhe’s. That was before the cost was greatly increased. I have not seen any pets with force of nature, which is odd when you think about it, as I’m on Atlantic and there are tons of pets here.


Lore Master
I just read some old threads about Bladeweave. Apparently you have to buy Bushido with it, so it's expensive, and it replaces all special moves so you can't take AI or any other special move with it.

Still considering Force of Nature, however I'm guessing that AI is better so "less is more" might be the path I take.

Read some more on force of nature. Apparently it's not very good. So it looks like I've narrowed my choice down to either AI/Poison or wrestling mastery for my dragon wolf.
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