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spawn raiding 101

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Stratics Veteran
This is some free advice for players who raid peoples spawn. I am doing this because what i saw today was so stupid that i felt bad for the players who raided my spawn.

Ok first point. If you are gonna raid someones spawn the best time is when ratmages pop. If you run in after barracoon pops then you should wait in star room. Spawns have changed. You get better reward chances if you are there from tier 1-4. The more things you kill the better things you may get.

So if you run in and kill the people who are attacking barracoon , then you are muy stupido. If you think that if you heal barracoon, it will take away the scrolls from the original damagers; then you are muy muy stupido. Just because barracoon is healed up does not mean a player gets his scrolls taken away. If you want the scrolls then wait till the spawners kill the champ and then attack. If you kill someone before barracoon dies- this too does not exclude the player from scroll reward. What this does do is protect a player from getting pked and losing scrolls. Scrolls will pop in inventory, if that player attacked barracoon, dead or alive...
So if you want 2 be a spawn raider, then raid at tier 3. If you cant get there in time then wait in star and then attack the players when they go through.

If you are a 120 mage on a mount and you die 2 a peace tamer on foot, then do yourself a favor and quit.:heart:

Thanks for the 120 archery and 115 tacs...:sad2:


This is some free advice for players who raid peoples spawn. I am doing this because what i saw today was so stupid that i felt bad for the players who raided my spawn.

Ok first point. If you are gonna raid someones spawn the best time is when ratmages pop. If you run in after barracoon pops then you should wait in star room. Spawns have changed. You get better reward chances if you are there from tier 1-4. The more things you kill the better things you may get.

So if you run in and kill the people who are attacking barracoon , then you are muy stupido. If you think that if you heal barracoon, it will take away the scrolls from the original damagers; then you are muy muy stupido. Just because barracoon is healed up does not mean a player gets his scrolls taken away. If you want the scrolls then wait till the spawners kill the champ and then attack. If you kill someone before barracoon dies- this too does not exclude the player from scroll reward. What this does do is protect a player from getting pked and losing scrolls. Scrolls will pop in inventory, if that player attacked barracoon, dead or alive...
So if you want 2 be a spawn raider, then raid at tier 3. If you cant get there in time then wait in star and then attack the players when they go through.

If you are a 120 mage on a mount and you die 2 a peace tamer on foot, then do yourself a favor and quit.:heart:

Thanks for the 120 archery and 115 tacs...:sad2:
WOW you are MUY STUPIDO. FYI scrolls are a random drop, also if you heal the champ all scrolls go to the new people killing the champ. Also you dont have to show up at 3rd lvl to have a chance of the arti drop from spawn. All you have to do is kill 1 thing from the spawn before the champ drops. Therefore if you want to give advice maybe you should learn wtf your talking about first.


MasterP is correct...sorry Silm your logic may sound correct to 'you', however your facts are incorrect.

Time to reread the good old spawn techniques handbook again. And sure next time your raided someone will wait for you till kill champ and while there fielding star you can head out in another direction(logic says NO).

Raiding is for fun, scrolls are perks.


Stratics Veteran
this from a site that holds alot of information concerning the game:

Your chance of receiving an artifact is supposedly based not only on how much damage you did to the champ, but also on how much damage you did over the course of the spawn overall.
In theory, players who turn up solely to battle the champion at the end of the fight have only a minor chance of receiving a reward.

**6** Power Scrolls will be awarded to the top damaging players and the Idol on the altar will turn into a black moongate which will take you to the Star Room.

As for healing the champ, The champ was spawned to be killed. If you damage it you will get a scroll or scrolls. If you heal it that will not change the scroll reward for top damagers. It will not change because the game simply records what that player did.
It does not , and there is no reason for it to do so either.

The game does not view healing the champ as a scenario that would end up causing the loss of scrolls for the original player. The code does not remove any damagers name, BECAUSE IT IS NOT DESIGNED TO DO IT!!!!

Last week got raided by vsop or whatever there name is. I had the champ half dead. They came in and killed me. They then healed up the champ. I gave up and went to luna bank.
About 10 minutes i got a item dropped in bag message. it was a scroll and a fang of rectus... I was in luna when i got.

So healing the champ is really just waste of time. Because once again:

The game does not have code that will remove names just because you healed up the champ.

Whats so crazy funny is when we got raided barracoon was redlined. All you had to do was to wait for us 2 finish and then gank. Instead you spent the next 2 hours trying to kill barracoon. I counted 6 of u.

Amber Witch

Babbling Loonie
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Please don't come to this forum to trash talk, call people names, insult people or make accusations against individuals or guilds. This isn't the place for it.

Thank you.

Now where was that fishing pole....
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