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Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's been years since I trained a fighting skill. Can you still gain by sparring, or pvping? Or is it all golem fighting now? If so please bring back sparring for training, I made tons of good friends while sparring.



Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's been years since I trained a fighting skill. Can you still gain by sparring, or pvping? Or is it all golem fighting now? If so please bring back sparring for training, I made tons of good friends while sparring.

I recently trained fencing on my character. You can still gain by fighting monsters. In the warrior forum there is a list on what to fight depending on what your skill is and what to fight as it raises.


Dor of Sonoma

Ah, but that is not the same as training with another.

One of the unwelcomed changes that severely curtailed community activity at the YMCA, was the introduction of the 'anti-macro' code around the Age of Shi..tems' time. Prior to that, the roof of the tower was bustling around the clock, with players sparring (thus learning and gaining in skill) and house healers at hand to make certain that nobody came to harm in the process. I spent weeks and months myself, just helping others to train. We exchanged jokes and stories and laughter - and the comraderie that turned a tedious pasttime into a favored community activity was unmistakeable.

And then someone...some clueless fool...took it upon themselves to determine that allowing any skill gains within houses (even public establishments!) was tantamount to actively encouraging afk macroing. While their avowed target was those who used trapped pets or NPCs for gain, the ones who were hit the hardest were regular players who just wanted to play with their mates. (Sound familiar?)

In Felucca, sparring outside the building on the lawn was never a good option, as anyone who flagged ended up as swift bait. I long campaigned for a return to sparring for gain inside large, public buildings, but finally gave up.

I do not know if that remains the case, Tom. I would hope that it no longer is!

Schuyler Bain

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ah, but that is not the same as training with another.

One of the unwelcomed changes that severely curtailed community activity at the YMCA, was the introduction of the 'anti-macro' code around the Age of Shi..tems' time. Prior to that, the roof of the tower was bustling around the clock, with players sparring (thus learning and gaining in skill) and house healers at hand to make certain that nobody came to harm in the process. I spent weeks and months myself, just helping others to train. We exchanged jokes and stories and laughter - and the comraderie that turned a tedious pasttime into a favored community activity was unmistakeable.

And then someone...some clueless fool...took it upon themselves to determine that allowing any skill gains within houses (even public establishments!) was tantamount to actively encouraging afk macroing. While their avowed target was those who used trapped pets or NPCs for gain, the ones who were hit the hardest were regular players who just wanted to play with their mates. (Sound familiar?)

In Felucca, sparring outside the building on the lawn was never a good option, as anyone who flagged ended up as swift bait. I long campaigned for a return to sparring for gain inside large, public buildings, but finally gave up.

I do not know if that remains the case, Tom. I would hope that it no longer is!
I too trained many a fighting skill this way. It was a major benefit of being in a guild, sparring partners and the friendships made during that time. I remember visiting the YMCA on more than one occasion working on a Sonoma character or too as Dor has described.

I was sad to see this go so many years ago and I have never thought to test if it was ever brought back. I can only assume if it were allowed again we would see much more of it going on. While I understand why the change was made, it had more negative affects than positive in my opinion.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ah, but that is not the same as training with another.

One of the unwelcomed changes that severely curtailed community activity at the YMCA, was the introduction of the 'anti-macro' code around the Age of Shi..tems' time. Prior to that, the roof of the tower was bustling around the clock, with players sparring (thus learning and gaining in skill) and house healers at hand to make certain that nobody came to harm in the process. I spent weeks and months myself, just helping others to train. We exchanged jokes and stories and laughter - and the comraderie that turned a tedious pasttime into a favored community activity was unmistakeable.

And then someone...some clueless fool...took it upon themselves to determine that allowing any skill gains within houses (even public establishments!) was tantamount to actively encouraging afk macroing. While their avowed target was those who used trapped pets or NPCs for gain, the ones who were hit the hardest were regular players who just wanted to play with their mates. (Sound familiar?)

In Felucca, sparring outside the building on the lawn was never a good option, as anyone who flagged ended up as swift bait. I long campaigned for a return to sparring for gain inside large, public buildings, but finally gave up.

I do not know if that remains the case, Tom. I would hope that it no longer is!
Well from recent testing, I would say that it doesnt work. Thats a real shame, I had alot of good times sparring with friends and guildmates.


von Beck

A few months ago myself and a guildmate gained a little fencing skill sparring at the arena south of Luna. We were really low in skill, about 50's or 60's and the rate of gain seemed slower than wht we might have got from other methods of training.

Warpig Inc

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Takes time to train so why not find a taget you gain off that has leather or bone. Just like a recall miner not using a fire beetle......a golem sparing match is just a waste of time unless your cheating. Before going on the leather collecting get a friend to make you a Butcher's War Cleaver for skinning and buy a recycling bag for bone conversion. Buy a bag of the plain NPC weapon of your skill type to wear down to 0 Durability. When you go on your crafters BOD run repiar one theese 0 durability weapons for you daily gain on your smith (this training is great for those last few points to120).0 ingot training.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hmm you can spar others and gain. Actually its one of the fastest way for two people to gain skill together.

If you both has new characters that means you each have 50% chance to hit each other and that's the highest gaining rate you could get. As you are gaining your buddy is gaining also. You just xheal each other.

The bad part is you have to watchout for your gear falling apart. In that case I advise you both get full virtue armor set, thats all 70s and unbreakable. Just get a weapon that swings as fast as possible yet dont do too much extra dmg. You can do this inside a player house too.

Hope that helps. :D