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South Korea to make virtual item trade, bots illegal


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Massively's Jef Reahard has a quite intersting small article about South Korea making it illegal with gaming bots and RMT of virtual items.

I am definetly going to keep up on this news. This is huge to see what this can do to the gaming industry with many games that have issues with RMT sites.

Thanks Massively for the nice write up.

South Korea to make virtual item trade, bots illegal

by Jef Reahard on Jun 15th 2012 1:00PM

Do you want to buy and sell virtual items? Do you live in South Korea? If you answered "yes" to both of those questions, you'd better get it out of your system prior to next month (or be prepared to do it illegally). A new law is being developed that will ban real money trading and block gold- and item-farming bots.

The South Korean Ministry of Culture says that "the main purpose of games is for entertainment and [they] should be used for academic and other good purposes," according to a report at Eurogamer.

This is bad news for gold farmers, RMT fans, and Blizzard, which has come under fire for Diablo III's real-money auction house over the past few weeks. The Ministry of Culture went on to say that RMT "contribute to many problems in society, including teenage crime."