OK, I have now reactivated a couple of accounts.
If any of the Europa IDOCers looted either of my houses, I would very much appreciate my soulstones back:
They will either be in the name of Fluffi Bunni or Morrigan / Merganser.
If you are the person who looted the "Timid Creatures" guildstone, its' return would be much appreciated - the guild is older than most current players, and the stone has quite a lot of sentimental value.
Thanks in advance.
If any of the Europa IDOCers looted either of my houses, I would very much appreciate my soulstones back:
They will either be in the name of Fluffi Bunni or Morrigan / Merganser.
If you are the person who looted the "Timid Creatures" guildstone, its' return would be much appreciated - the guild is older than most current players, and the stone has quite a lot of sentimental value.
Thanks in advance.