I Think it would be a great idea for EA mythic to create a token you can purchase for x$ which allows you to use soulstones which arnt bound to your own accoutn.
this would mean good revenue for many people and would be greatly beneficialy for everyone in the UO commuinity imo.
parhaps the token would allow 5 soulstones to be bound to another account?
basically i want it so that i can moove skills from account to accoutn.. some i have trained some i dont u see :S kinda annoying
this would mean good revenue for many people and would be greatly beneficialy for everyone in the UO commuinity imo.
parhaps the token would allow 5 soulstones to be bound to another account?
basically i want it so that i can moove skills from account to accoutn.. some i have trained some i dont u see :S kinda annoying