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[Fishing] SoS's


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well I have been working on fishing up some of the 300+ SoSs I had stored away.. gotten through about 70 of them so far and was wondering if anyone has pulled up a chest over a "Lvl 3" chest? The biggest is one with 30K for me so far. I read where they go as high as a "Lvl 4" and also even a more rare Strongbox can be pulled up. I have yet to see either of these 2 chests being pulled up.

Just wanted to know if anyone else has had the luxury of pulling them up and if so was the loot much different?



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
In the past 2-3 days I did about 100+ mibs.
2 Strongboxes I fished.
They seems to come in levels too, the first was with 10k and the second had 20k in it, and more gems and like 11 Brilliant Amber.
The loot in the Strongboxes differ from the shipwreck ones. The 2 I got contained gold, small/big gems a colored fishing net and gold/copper ingots.
No weapons/armors.