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[Fishing] SOS / Server line weirdness


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OK, I have an SOS, coordinates 13o59' N 95o58' E.

It's near the server line, so I figure it will be a bit tricky....

I get into the 13s, start inching my way toward just under 96o longitude....

I'm in the mid to high 94s, then bang! Server line.

Moving ONE step took me from the 94s longitude, into around 97 longitude!

I cross back, the situation goes from the mid 96s to the low 94s.

After crossing back and fourth several times, and almost pulling my hair, I finally get as close as I possibly can to 96 longitude, go to the bow of my ship, and cast, at about 96o11'E, and fish up the chest.

Near as I can tell, the actual SOS coordinates DO NOT EXIST, due to the way server lines work. The nearest I can get to the latitude 95o58'E, standing at the nose of my Tokuno ship, is 95o41'E if going West to East, 96o11'E going East to West. (note: at 13o32' Latitude, since you don't have to be right on top of the chest - thank god).

Anyone else seen this kind of wonky behavior?


Seasoned Veteran
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With mibs, I have noticed you can actually fish em up from quite a distance off. I generally fish while on my way there, and have often pulled up a chest well before I was near where I thought I needed to be. As far as the server line being right there, it sounds like it is a good thing there is some leeway in the distance you can be from the chest.

Kas Althume

Crazed Zealot
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Usually its exactly 20 tiles max you can be away from the given mib location. That's what UOAM tells me. Did you use a large boat? I fish up the mibs with small boats because of the serverline weirdness. When i cross the serverline between skara and britain while being close to the serverline to moonglow, i end up on that (moonglow) subserver.


Lore Keeper
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I have a sos in the middle of Fire island beach... for some reason i cant fish it up, get the message i need to be closer to water to fish... oh well, Selling rare unfishable SoS! :p


Rotgut Willy

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I have a sos in the middle of Fire island beach... for some reason i cant fish it up, get the message i need to be closer to water to fish... oh well, Selling rare unfishable SoS! :p

I have one on the western shore of Occlo/Haven that can't be fished up. Looks like it will be my deco SOS. lol


Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
Fire Island and New Haven/Occlo have different shapes on Trammel vs Felucca. Are yours blocked at both facets?