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[Fishing] SOS decoation


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So far, it looks like the SOS decorations are rarer than the chest artifacts.

The items in chests being the grapevine parts that will combine into a full set

I also noticed that you can pull up from the water some really rare stuff, such as oars and especially the Yellow Bikini Top! <--- my latest finding after some 50 SOS. So I think it definitely worth something.

Does anyone have other findings?

A Stoned Mariner

Oars aren't too rare.

Bikini seems uber rare right now.

Grape Vines are pretty uncommon, Ive done prob 200 sos and gotten maybe 4-5 vines.

Dresses been selling well for peps to cut up for cloth.

I have only gotten one "chest of drawers" so for me at least, that is also an uber rare one to this point.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sounds to me that we have reversed experience on the oars and the chest of drawers.

Agree on the dresses though lol

EDIT: I just did cut up one dress, and it only yielded one bandage 0.0


Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
you need a legendary tailor to get a reasonable amount of cloth from the dresses.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
For a moment I thought you were joking. But 120 tailoring did yield 5 bandages!! yay!!! :cheerleader:

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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Stratics Legend
bandages? I put 5 dresses in a salvage bag and my legendary tailor cut them into 20 yards of cloth, which she then made into a fancy gargoyle robe for my fisherman, who is also my imbuer and therefore gargoyle.

A Stoned Mariner

Ok so from the sounds, typically very random fishing spawn still applies to the new items. Where you might go days, weeks without getting a particular item, and someone else gets bunches of em. Luck of the cast as always!

Bikinis however seem to be definitively uber rare at the moment??? I have only heard of 2-3 being sold. And in the 20 mil range due to rareness thus far.

Guess the rest is kind of just lucky streaks (ie...drawers, oars, etc, etc)

The kelp leggings are a cool idea, however, just leggings??? Why wasnt there an entire kelp suit with uber rare pieces like some of the other armor sets out there...eh. Leggins appear to be worthless already.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oh my bad. Dress --> cloth --> then bandages :D

BTW, the "ship's strongbox" also seems uncommon. Loots are nice, with some mining gems.

I also noticed that any level chest can yield up to 3 new items at the same time. Not common though.



UOEC Modder
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Stratics Legend
in 300 sos I got only 1 bikini and 1 strongbox... the rest is really common...


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
After about 75 sos pulled I have yet to see the bikini and the only thing I am finding buyers for are the wedding dresses which I still get 1 mil each for np.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
400 sos so far, 2 Bikini, 5 strongbox, and i dump oars, table legs and chest of drawers as i get too many.


Kas Althume

Crazed Zealot
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Petra can you please post a screenshot of the robe made with the special cloth?

Kas Althume

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thanks a ton. Doesn't look too bad. Pitty we cant bring the cut up cloth into bolts again. For deco issues i'd like to lock the bold down. The cut cloth looks ugly in my opinion.

Ivory Norwind

Crazed Zealot
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I found "an antique wedding dress". It's a simple ivory dress and when you put it slightly shines


Lore Master
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Is RNG love the only way to get items? From 75+ SOSes and 8 ancient SOSes (0 strong boxes as well), not a single ancient wedding dress. Only one so far was a gift from a friend. I am very frustrated from all the repetition required, hours put in, and the cold shoulder from the RNG. I'm even wearing a 1280 luck suit on my fisher. Beginning to think the RNG is interpreting my luck as negative 1280. Also only 3 grape vines; and I don't even dare think about ever getting a bikini!