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Sorry, the download in yesterdays FoF is a classic 2D client - Vista issues though.


Stratic's Finest
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I can’t log into retribution what’s happening?
Most likely you are using the live version of the Classic Client (2D). In order to gain access to retribution you will need to use the Enhanced Client or download a special version of the Classic Client HERE. The Kingdom Reborn client is not able to connect to Retribution.
This is not a classic 2D client!

It'll give you access to the Retibution shard though, but it's the "Enhanced" Client!


Stratic's Finest
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No. I've just downloaded, installed and patched this client. It is the "Enhanced" Client!


Stratics Veteran
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NOPE! It's the classic client, few very minor changes.. but with access to all the new SA/Gargoyle content. Exactly what it is supposed to be and I'm loving it! :)


No. I've just downloaded, installed and patched this client. It is the "Enhanced" Client!
You did something wrong, because that link is to the Classic Client (special edition for the beta).


Stratic's Finest
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I used the link in the FoF, installed and patched up, what could I do wrong?

Believe me, it is not a classic 2D client, not even close. ;)

UI, ground, paperdoll and character is definitely not classic!


I used the link in the FoF, installed and patchd up, what could I do wrong?

Believe me, it is not a classic 2D client, not even close. ;)

UI, ground, paperdoll and character is definitely not clasic!
Well, dozens of other people (many right here on this board, including myself) have downloaded from that same link, and we got the Classic Client (special edition for Beta). How do you explain that?

Tina Small

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Piotr, if you already had the SA client installed, you may have just clicked on the wrong icon. The icon on your desktop for the Stygian Abyss client looks the same as the icon for the Stygian Abyss Classic Client, but there's one extra word in the label for the second one. If the label isn't big enough, though, all you'll see is Ultima Online Stygian Abyss for both client versions and you'll miss the word "Classic" on the one I think you want to use.

Check again and see if you have two icons for UO SA and then use the one that includes the word "Classic."

Yes, it gets confusing. At the moment, I have four UO icons on my desktop for four different clients (UOSA, UOSA Classic, UOKR, and UO The Eighth Age) and hope someday to just need two of them.


Grand Poobah
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I can’t log into retribution what’s happening?
Most likely you are using the live version of the Classic Client (2D). In order to gain access to retribution you will need to use the Enhanced Client or download a special version of the Classic Client HERE. The Kingdom Reborn client is not able to connect to Retribution.
This is not a classic 2D client!

It'll give you access to the Retibution shard though, but it's the "Enhanced" Client!
I think you need to read more carefully.

The link is to the Enhanced Client or "special version" of the classic client.

The reference to the classic 2d client is only to explain why you may not be able to get to the retribution shard.

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
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I think Tina explained it.
I used that link and got the Classic Client, I really don't care for the enhanced client. If that link had downloaded that client, I wouldn't have played it for as long as I did.


Stratic's Finest
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I may have had the SA client installed (had it once anyway but I don't remember if I uninstalled it again) but after running the UOSAClassicSetup_1_25_35a installation on my computer I only have one program in my Electronic Arts folder. Ultima Online Stygian Abyss and that is not a Classic 2D client!

Trebr Drab

Piotr, I have 2 there. But I didn't get a shortcut for it. But I logged into Retribution with what looks like the classic client. No time to test right now though.

Eyes of Origin

Ok.. hes not trippin... I downloaded it as well and sat here while it was downloading. The download window said AClassicSetup etc, but once it was finished all I had was SA and Legacy in my folders. I did a computer search and the only thing it brings up are these two versions of UO. So, I'm guessing something is messed up somewhere or we just downloaded them wrong? Which doesnt seem right to me.. I download enough things to know I didnt screw the download up.


I don't know why it is working for most people, but not a few. I would recommend you reinstall it. Or even re-download it. Pay attention to where it installs it when you run the exe.

If you have all 4 clients installed like me, you will have 2 different folders that say the following:
(You want to run "Ultima Online Stygian Abyss Classic")


Nine Dark Moons

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if you d/l it correctly, and login to retribution should you get the option to create a gargoyle char? i couldn't access retribution, so i clicked on the link in the FoF and now i can login to retribution via 2D client, but only got the elf/human option for a char. just wondering if i did something wrong.

NEVERMIND - i figured it out.

Tina Small

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Here's where your client executable files will end up:

UO 2d ("Classic Client") that can only access production shards
C:\Program Files\EA Games\Ultima Online The Eighth Age (or something comparable)

Kingdom Reborn client that can only access production shards
C:\Program Files\EA Games\Ultima Online Kingdom Reborn

UO 2d ("Classic Client") that can only access Retribution test shard
C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\Ultima Online Stygian Abyss Classic

UO SA ("Enhanced Client") that can access ALL shards
C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\Ultima Online Stygian Abyss

Desktop icons will be labelled as follows:

UO 2d ("Classic Client") that can only access production shards
Ultima Online The Eighth Age (or something comparable)

Kingdom Reborn client that can only access production shards
Ultima Online Kingdom Reborn

UO 2d ("Classic Client") that can only access Retribution test shard
Ultima Online Stygian Abyss Classic

UO SA ("Enhanced Client") that can access ALL shards
Ultima Online Stygian Abyss

I thought I'd throw in some instructions here too if you want to have UO Assist run with the UO SA Classic client. When you start up UO Assist, click on the Settings button on the bottom right corner of the UO Assist patch screen.

Then in the center of the Settings gump you'll see next, click the radio button next to the "User defined" line and type the following into the box:

C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\Ultima Online Stygian Abyss Classic\client.exe

When you log on this way, you will get the usual UO Assist warning about the client has patched, blah blah blah. UO Automap will work for you too if you can get UO Assist running. However, it will not provide any maps for the brand-new areas, including anything that's changed in Fel, Tram, Ilshenar, or Malas in conjunction with the expansion.

BIG CAUTION: I believe that having the UO SA Classic client start with that executable file (rather than UO.exe in the same folder) will bypass the patching process. Therefore it is very important that you periodically log onto Retribution with the classic client WITHOUT first starting UO Assist so the client receives all patches. Also, be forewarned and don't expect much support if you try to set up UOAssist to recognize new items as resources (e.g., new potions, etc.). If there's new stuff in that client, I'm pretty sure Tugsoft has not updated it to recognize them.

If you made the above adjustment in the UO Assist Settings gump, you will need to change back to the "2d client (client.exe)" option above the "user defined" option when you want to play a regular production shard.

Eyes of Origin

Ok maybe this is a Vista thing? I'm not sure.. but when I look in program files, I have my EA Games folder with Legacy and thats it... but if i go to menu and then bring up programs I have an EA Folder and Electronic Arts folder.. but the SA client is the only thing showing up in the Electronic Arts folder. I'm currently redownloading the Classic version of SA and im gonna watch where I put it this time, just hoping it works.


Founder, Citadel Studios
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If you are using vista and you can't find the game shortcut, check the Games Explorer. Its in Start Menu->Programs->Games

Nine Dark Moons

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
my problem was i was looking for the enhanced 2d client in my EA Games folder - didn't realize it was in a brand new folder called Electronic Arts :)
thanks very much for posting what you just did :)

PS - I have Windows Vista and it created a new folder called Electronic Arts here: [C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\Ultima Online Stygian Abyss Classic]

Eyes of Origin

Already checked the Games folder... I did a complete search of my computer and the only thing its pulling up is the Enhanced Client and 2D.. I'm 53% done with the current download though, so I'll post again if anymore issues arise. I'm just hoping I accidently downloaded SA again or something earlier =/

Btw Supreem.. cute puppy in the avatar.. I just got a pug about a week ago myself :)


I've updated the FoF with the vista path for the special client.

Start Menu->Programs->Games


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Not being able to make it work. I open UOAssist settings, check the "user defined" box in the center of the gump, type in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\Ultima Online Stygian Abyss Classic." Next, I click "ok," "continue," "ok," whereupon I receive this error: Unable to launch UO client. Make sure it is installed and can run properly.

I have used the 2d enhanced client - but still can't make UOAssist work with it. Any other tips?


Former Stratics CEO (2011-2014)
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Got it. Had to navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\Ultima Online Stygian Abyss Classic\client.exe, as opposed to C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\Ultima Online Stygian Abyss Classic\uo.exe.


Stratic's Finest
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I'm sorry for the misleading post I made yesterday! :blushing:

I found the classic client by browsing my C: drive. It just didn't show up in the Electronic Arts folder in Start -> Programs -> Electronic Arts. Only the enhanced client was listet there.

I uninstalled the Enhanced Client and rebootet. Now the Electronic Arts folder is gone in the Start -> Programs menu, but not on C:.

I'm sorry for the confusion, but it seems to be a general problem for Vista users. It wasn't just me - thank's God! ;)