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Sorry Sprago of TNT

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If you want your loot you may want to go sit at your computer where your char was logged in...

I killed him finally in your keep after about 30 minutes Im not sure to as of why you did not heal but you kept casting some spellweaving spell over and over...

I am still very confused on why you did not run or heal and just kept casting that spell every 30 seconds or so... I am sure you was not afk gaining skill or anything like that... I mean you are in TNT and that would be well *coughs*

good day


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

If you want your loot you may want to go sit at your computer where your char was logged in...

I killed him finally in your keep after about 30 minutes Im not sure to as of why you did not heal but you kept casting some spellweaving spell over and over...

I am still very confused on why you did not run or heal and just kept casting that spell every 30 seconds or so... I am sure you was not afk gaining skill or anything like that... I mean you are in TNT and that would be well *coughs*

good day

[/ QUOTE ]

lucky to die rather than be paged on.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Funny as hell now u guys camp out at my house thats f#$%ing funny go get a life... it really is one thing to kill me but its totally different when you post it and to make matters worse now u stalk me. do i scare u that much you gotta go to those extremes...... its ok koc ill leave u alone for a while


Actually I was finishing up an Idoc... but nice try

Found you last night while I was looking for an Idoc...

Ps. Like I said in my original post why did u just stand there for 30 Minutes casting essence of wind or wildfire ?

I mean I figured you would have healed, Hid, Ran but u just kept casting that one spell every 30 seconds... odd


I am no genius but maybe he was raising a skill?

Its not like anyone here has never done macroing afk...



I am no genius but maybe he was raising a skill?

Its not like anyone here has never done macroing afk...

[/ QUOTE ]

Gara I know you mean well and trust me it's nice that you have came back to Siege and all

But the point I am making here is TNT/alliance usually comes to the board on a daily basis and claims KOC are nothing but chaters/scripters etc.

Or if you kill them in game they do the same

I was just pointing out again that they are nothing more than hypocrites... that is all thank you and good day.



Ok sorry :p

I should follow the drama !

[/ QUOTE ]

TNT man... They Know Drama!



If you want your loot you may want to go sit at your computer where your char was logged in...

I killed him finally in your keep after about 30 minutes Im not sure to as of why you did not heal but you kept casting some spellweaving spell over and over...

I am still very confused on why you did not run or heal and just kept casting that spell every 30 seconds or so... I am sure you was not afk gaining skill or anything like that... I mean you are in TNT and that would be well *coughs*

good day

[/ QUOTE ]


Kat SP

Seem's in this case KoC knows drama quite well.

<u>Diversionary Tactic's 101</u>

Draw attention away from your own faults by raising a giant stink over something else.



Seem's in this case KoC knows drama quite well.

<u>Diversionary Tactic's 101</u>

Draw attention away from your own faults by raising a giant stink over something else.

[/ QUOTE ]

No kat is the simple fact that you think that everyone hacks and cheats but when you guys get caught with your pants down Its ok because you are TNT...

Soulweaver, Sprago, Who's Next!

Kat SP

That is absolutely false. I do not believe that EVERYONE cheats or hacks. We all know who the likely suspects are. The difference here is that Hattori and I address such things with our guild members, whereas some other guild leaders look the other way and try to claim they don't or have never cheated.


Tell another story Kat I think everyone would agree that one is getting old lol


And Kat you look the other way more than anyone on this server lol dont even try to deny that...

a while back I had even mentioned something on the boards about Soulweaver and one of your guild replied and he is no longer with us... then a week later he had your tag yet again...

So dont even try to act like u guys dont look the other way because I know of a few more that are pretty damn quick in ur guild...

You guys just messed up twice now and both time had your pants were down and I let the public know.... about it... so now you just look foolish I am done with you cya...

Kat SP

I think everyone will agree that your drama and petty 2nd grade behavior is getting old.

Good Day!



that is all thank you and good day.

[/ QUOTE ]

You are such a rude little person. Because someone interjects a bit of reason into your silly thread, you have to run and hide behind your bitterness with a lame snipe. Get over it; this is a discussion forum.

I was not going to post in this thread since the mere presence of your accusatory post likely violates the rules of conduct (ironic since you are insinuating someone broke other rules).

To anyone with a true interest in the rules; if you honestly feel someone from the alliance is violating one, PM Kat or I. What is going on here is just trolling inflammatory drivel.


Wow still trying to ... steer away from the situation...

Funny u say my post make no sense but Soul Weaver just told me you guys booted him from the guild because of my last post


This is a quote from a koc post on U Hall:
"make "play macro" one of your buttons (I use F12) and then take a piece of paper and fold it... wedge it into the F12 button on your keyboard so that it is always pressed down...

grab a good book and start reading... and in no time your character will be completely done."

It's only illegal if you get caught AFK, but we all watch TV, Read the Boards, read a book eh.. maybe, use the restroom, talk to the wife and kids, eat dinner, and train ROT if its possible with the skill because ROT SUCKS.

Its common on Siege and most of us have done it and been afk from time to time. We usually just kill AFK people and move on, thats a pretty standard practice unless the guys running a rail or something.

Hes not scripting, speedhacking, or scamming, hes gaining skill, afk is illegal but id say that there are different degrees of "cheating", this being the lowest and most abused.
As far as the Guild Punishing People, thats our bussiness, we do punish people according to what they do. But its not anyones bussiness how we punish people, for how long, or what for. Different things require different actions.


Keep posting your guild is looking more and more foolish...

If I rob a bank its not as bad as killing someone ...



Wow still trying to ... steer away from the situation...

Funny u say my post make no sense but Soul Weaver just told me you guys booted him from the guild because of my last post

[/ QUOTE ]

If you really think that, you are completely delusional. It is none of your damn business what we do in our guild, so I won’t respond to that idiotic comment any further.

I am not steering anything. As I said earlier, this is a stupid thread at its foundation.



Keep posting your guild is looking more and more foolish...

[/ QUOTE ]

You coming on these boards pimping your a snitch...priceless...pot+kettle=kage...lemme guess you got a career in law enforcement if not you need to look into that...


Don't worry i'm sure Katmo will make this all vanish very soon !!


And on that observation we will end this accusatory discussion. This forum is not a mud slinging arena. I will not be kind if this is brought up again. If you have issues with this decision, as always feel free to review the RoC. There is an email address that will allow you to express any concerns.
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