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Soooo who's around?


Stratics Veteran
Just came back to the game and I can see Sonoma seems deader than usual =P... Any Tamers Inc peeps out there? Whats up with PAS? They still do fun stuff everyweek? Pretty much what im looking for.... Just looking for a group to do some fun Tram stuff with since I know Sonoma PvP has been dead for a long time =D

Also how the heck does this new chat system work lol


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
if you have the menu system up you can just hi the chat button and you can go in and change rooms.

the "General" room is the best for finding people who are on.

i dont know about the EClient, but the classic you use the , button to talk.
im sure you can set which button under the options.