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[Fishing] Sooo, you are raising fishing past 100.0, what bonuses are you seeing ?


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Aside from opening up the dunegon fishing quests at 106, are you seeing any other advantage from increasing your fishing skill ?

Like, for example, do you get white pearls or special nets, or MiBs or Ancient SoSs more often ?

Are you fishing up new stuff which at lower skill you could not ?

When you Crab/Lobster fish, did you notice less regular crabs/lobsters and more named ones in your traps ?

Bottom line is, with your skill going up, what bonuses are you noticing ?



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Tbh popps ...

Upto 105 I felt no difference at all ... if I knew in advance i would have never eaten my first scroll and saved it for the 110.
As for reaching 110 ... the only difference is I imagine I fish a wee tiny bit more of the rare fish I already did at GM.

Sofar no new fish popped up for me ... yet ... keep in mind I am only 110 for 2? days now ...

The only big advantage of going 110 is to get the 106 deliveries, ofcourse I hoped it would up my chances for better rewards ...
And 30 quests later I have my 110, again I do not know yet if this was good luck or maybe the trend as the 105's before ...

Luke Carjacker

I've been at 110 for a little while now. I do notice getting more MiBs. I don't have any detailed before/after notes, but it feels like I'm getting more.

The big bonus is the opportunity to have dungeon fish in the fish monger quests. There are two advantages really. The most obvious is that at 1.5x weighting, your point value goes up way faster (20 dungeon fish equals 60 lobsters if you want to think about it that way), and dungeon fish are not hard to catch. The second major advantage is if you have dungeon fish in your order (easy to catch, lots of points), there are fewer lines available for crab/lobster. This helps A LOT.

I haven't pulled up any additional rare fish that I couldn't get before, and haven't had a bit fishing in lava.


UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
the real advantage is the chance to get certain fish (the great part of the new rare ones requires skills over 100). You can know when you can get a fish when you get a new bait from the quest :p


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
the real advantage is the chance to get certain fish (the great part of the new rare ones requires skills over 100). You can know when you can get a fish when you get a new bait from the quest :p
I hope this is true, it sounds logical ... but I have never read anything to state this anywhere.
Sinds I hit 110 fishing I did start to get new types of Bait.
But I assumed it was to the new types of orders I was doing, some are pretty hefty now.