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Sonoma's answer to the Springfield Tire Fire

  • Thread starter Prince Caspian
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0

Prince Caspian

I must admit my satisfaction when a well-known duper's shop in Luna was busted and turned into burning rubble. It was one of the very few times that I saw tangible progress against dupers and cheaters in the game.

Of course it's also the ONLY time in the face of a gogol of examples, but I digress.

That fire has been burning for a year and a half at least. Is that spot ever going to become available? Not that I would try to get it (a spot opening in Luna would go faster than George Wendt cleaning out a buffet), but it IS kind of an eyesore.

Are such plots ever gonna go away?


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Are such plots ever gonna go away?
I often wonder the same thing about your barrage of new threads lately. Fortunately for you, your question has an answer. The burning plots are freeing up one at a time. A GM checks the plot and if any one is camping it he moves to another shard to remove the rubble.

Prince Caspian

How sweet. Lynk still hasn't gotten over his crush on me.

And for the last time, I'm not interested. Sorry, tinkerbell.

Prince Caspian

Back on topic, if anyone has any ideas on this, I'd be happy to hear 'em.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I don't post anything useful? I posted the answer to your question.

Maybe if you used the search engine instead of spending all your time making useless threads you wouldn't have to post stupid questions (yes, your guidance counselor lied to you - there are such things as stupid questions).

Arnie QuickPalm

Now this i dont get. in the other thread chrissy Said we dont have the "resource" to do a lotto yet we are expected to believe that they are checking each plot everyday ???? please again i plead lets do the right thing here for once !!!!

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Here's my suggestion on how to do a give-away of the burning plots, not all of which are in Luna, by the way:

Round 1:

On the appointed day, everyone wakes up and logs into all of their characters on all of the shards. If the character meets the same kind of qualifications that would apply for receiving a holiday gift, the character has a box in his or her backpack. Inside the box are either (1) a random mini house deed, or (2) a house placement tool and a pretty little blue deed with location coordinates and a shard name on it and a note that says something along the lines of "Congratulations, [name of character]! You've won the right to place a house at this location. Note that upon successfully placing a house at these coordinates, any and all houses (including grandfathered houses) currently owned by this account will immediately start to decay. You may attempt house placement as many times as you want, in accordance with normal house placement tool cool-down rules. This ticket expires and you will not be able to attempt house placement at this site after server maintenance occurs on [a date 30 days in the future]. This ticket is non-transferable and will only work for characters on this account and this shard. "

Round 2:

Forty-five days later, all burning plots that remain unclaimed are thrown back in the pot and everyone wakes up to another box in the good old backpack. Contents are same as above (i.e., either a consolation prize of another random mini house deed or a congratulations ticket).

Round 3:

Same as above.

No round 4. Any plots that are still unclaimed get turned over to the EMs in perpetuity to use for something that benefits the shard.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If people knew about when they would drop, then can you imagine the amount the stealthed chars waiting 24 hrs for the fires to go out. I agree the best way would be the raffle but that is very unlikely to happen.


*shrug* still don't care.

However, if they WERE going to undo them eventually, I'd suggest they do them as giveaways for the SA release.

Otherwise people will pancake about scripters and trigger fingers and dancing and some dork will put up a plot with a big middle finger etched into it. Or two fingers, depending on nationality.

Of course they could just put up a Gargish Embassy in place of them on most shards and make the point moot.


Lady Michelle

Sprite Full SP
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If people knew about when they would drop, then can you imagine the amount the stealthed chars waiting 24 hrs for the fires to go out. I agree the best way would be the raffle but that is very unlikely to happen.
Chrissay stated the rubble and fires will burn long as the spots are being camped. So if the rubble and fires are still there means it being camped by hidden players.

Lady Michelle

Sprite Full SP
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Here's my suggestion on how to do a give-away of the burning plots, not all of which are in Luna, by the way:

Round 1:

On the appointed day, everyone wakes up and logs into all of their characters on all of the shards. If the character meets the same kind of qualifications that would apply for receiving a holiday gift, the character has a box in his or her backpack. Inside the box are either (1) a random mini house deed, or (2) a house placement tool and a pretty little blue deed with location coordinates and a shard name on it and a note that says something along the lines of "Congratulations, [name of character]! You've won the right to place a house at this location. Note that upon successfully placing a house at these coordinates, any and all houses (including grandfathered houses) currently owned by this account will immediately start to decay. You may attempt house placement as many times as you want, in accordance with normal house placement tool cool-down rules. This ticket expires and you will not be able to attempt house placement at this site after server maintenance occurs on [a date 30 days in the future]. This ticket is non-transferable and will only work for characters on this account and this shard. "

Round 2:

Forty-five days later, all burning plots that remain unclaimed are thrown back in the pot and everyone wakes up to another box in the good old backpack. Contents are same as above (i.e., either a consolation prize of another random mini house deed or a congratulations ticket).

Round 3:

Same as above.

No round 4. Any plots that are still unclaimed get turned over to the EMs in perpetuity to use for something that benefits the shard.
ohh no mini house deeds unless they are mini deeds of burning rubble plots :D

Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I hope that it never goes away. In fact, I hereby vote to add yet more burning plots, until the entirety of Luna is consumed!

*gets all excited at the thought*
Go one step further...engulf all of tram, malas, tokuno and ilsh!!! Then everyone has to live in fel! Lots of new targets!!!