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[Fishing] Something wrong with points


UOEC Modder
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Stratics Legend
I have the feeling that there still is something wrong until I get the following order:

apple crab 10
fred lobster 20
bonefish 20
cutthroat trout 20
darkfish 20
infernal tuna 10

the actual points scale is:
0.5 pt per shore
1 pt per crab
1 pt per deepwater
1.5 pt per dungeon

Here is the totals:
10 x 1 = 10
20 x 1 = 20
20 x 1 = 20
20 x 1.5 = 30
20 x 1.5 = 30
10 x 1.5 = 15
TOTAL OF 125 pts

then I'm go to take the reward and I got a bait of 100 uses.

So what's wrong here? :p
the baits are limited at 100 uses per reward or simply there still a bug into the point system?


UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thanks, good to know, I fear that was another bug about the points :D

Muu Bin

Are those the actual points as listed by the OP? I thought that these were fixed a little while back.

I'll try to look for that old post now...

Muu Bin

Are those the actual points as listed by the OP? I thought that these were fixed a little while back.

I'll try to look for that old post now...
Found the post... you are correct... crustaceans are same points as deepwater. Thanks!



UO Forum Moderator
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Are those the actual points as listed by the OP? I thought that these were fixed a little while back.

I'll try to look for that old post now...
Well, the original poster is using the entirely WRONG system based on fish bait uses, as opposed to what the game itself actually uses, which might be confusing.

The actual game software counts -
shallow water fish as 1 point
Deep water fish and crustaceans (since they were fixed) as 2 points
Dungeon fish as 3 points

If the reward is bait, the number of uses for the bait is (quest point value)/2
With any decimals rounded down, and capped at 100 points.

Using the bait values (0.5/1/1.5) for each quest line as the "fish point system" instead of the actual (1/2/3) system not only adds in a lot of complicated math (as some people have trouble with decimals), but because of the rounding and cap issues, is like using 22/7 as "pi" on a scientific calculator instead hitting the key that puts in an 8 or more significant digit value in for it automatically.


UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well, the original poster is using the entirely WRONG system based on fish bait uses, as opposed to what the game itself actually uses, which might be confusing.

The actual game software counts -
shallow water fish as 1 point
Deep water fish and crustaceans (since they were fixed) as 2 points
Dungeon fish as 3 points

If the reward is bait, the number of uses for the bait is (quest point value)/2
With any decimals rounded down, and capped at 100 points.

Using the bait values (0.5/1/1.5) for each quest line as the "fish point system" instead of the actual (1/2/3) system not only adds in a lot of complicated math (as some people have trouble with decimals), but because of the rounding and cap issues, is like using 22/7 as "pi" on a scientific calculator instead hitting the key that puts in an 8 or more significant digit value in for it automatically.
is not hard as you say.... you just muply per 2 the base value, but the result is the same... in fact I have always the right value of bait uses just this order give 100 instead of 125.

and seriously with your formula you get a 250 pt order divided by 2 = 125...


UO Forum Moderator
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You would not believe the number of people I've encountered who can't multiply by decimals consistantly (even something that should be as logical as multiplying a single digit decimal by 10)- some of whom were in my "Math for elementary school teachers" class in college.

They could, however, divide by two slightly more reliably (dividing by bigger numbers, on the other hand...).

It's believed that it's a condition related to dyslexia, and isn't as uncommon as you'd think. I once witnessed an argument between a family member and an in-law (now ex), where the in-law insisted that a 2-lb. jar of miracle whip for $5 was a better deal than 2 1-lb. jars for $3.

The point I was making is that 1/2/3 (then divided by 2 for bait count, round down, and capped at 100) is what is coded, and should be the method used to describe the system. The "divided by 2" technically only applies to the bait count, not the other 3 reward categories.

Perhaps a better analogy is envisioning a store that sells king-size candy bars for $2 (limit 50 candy bars per purchase). The 0.5/1/1.5 method is analogous to going around and pricing everything else in the store in "candy bar values" instead of dollars, even though you pay in dollars, and non-candy purchases aren't subject to limits.


UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You would not believe the number of people I've encountered who can't multiply by decimals consistantly (even something that should be as logical as multiplying a single digit decimal by 10)- some of whom were in my "Math for elementary school teachers" class in college.

They could, however, divide by two slightly more reliably (dividing by bigger numbers, on the other hand...).

It's believed that it's a condition related to dyslexia, and isn't as uncommon as you'd think. I once witnessed an argument between a family member and an in-law (now ex), where the in-law insisted that a 2-lb. jar of miracle whip for $5 was a better deal than 2 1-lb. jars for $3.

The point I was making is that 1/2/3 (then divided by 2 for bait count, round down, and capped at 100) is what is coded, and should be the method used to describe the system. The "divided by 2" technically only applies to the bait count, not the other 3 reward categories.

Perhaps a better analogy is envisioning a store that sells king-size candy bars for $2 (limit 50 candy bars per purchase). The 0.5/1/1.5 method is analogous to going around and pricing everything else in the store in "candy bar values" instead of dollars, even though you pay in dollars, and non-candy purchases aren't subject to limits.
well this is a shame... stratics should have a math forum with a sticky post with the ABC :D


Seasoned Veteran
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And don't forget fractions... Every 5 out of 4 people have trouble with fractions :D


Goodness Basara, I guess they wouldn't be able to be on Extreme Couponing! :mf_prop: