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Something interesting to consider


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I wonder if we can create the top valuable EM rare drop each month on a thread somewhere and the shard it came from?

For example, for the month of June, i am guessing either the Napa drop or one of the dolphins etc...

Just be something new to keep up for viewers, shoppers, and collectors.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So maybe going forward in the monthly EM Drop threads on the last drop day of the month post a poll to let everyone vote for their favorites and let the poll last a week or something?

My only consideration for this would be if there is any harm that could come from it? Do we think the EMs who put in the time and effort to create these events an drops would get hurt over a public vote like this?


Stratics Veteran
So maybe going forward in the monthly EM Drop threads on the last drop day of the month post a poll to let everyone vote for their favorites and let the poll last a week or something?

My only consideration for this would be if there is any harm that could come from it? Do we think the EMs who put in the time and effort to create these events an drops would get hurt over a public vote like this?
Competition spawns creativity :).


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Good points Sadie, but in this case we’re not focusing the worst drop but the best one. And as Discord above eloquently puts it, “it spawns creativity”.

the voting touch is a fantastic idea!


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think voting is probably the best way to get the best idea of the top rares (Wisdom of the Crowd idea), but I also understand Sadie's worry.

While we're not going to scare off the long time EMs, we are going to have another new EM soon with EM Artemis leaving.

Why not put some distance between the creative work and the voting? Start with say January, and do a vote a week for each month up to the present. Acclimate everyone to the process and get a chance to look over rares from a few months back.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I like the idea, but how many votes will be cast? 5 or 10?

If lots of people vote, I would worry more about getting the same graphics that were liked. Kinda like pigs are now.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
most of the rares collectors have a focus, some are pigs, some are mirrors, ect. I think its ok to have the same graphic, even the same color.

i can see the poll guiding ems to design drops to what we want, and sellers using it to gauge prices.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I’ve always thought there are multiple optics of what we consider valuable especially what they think vs what we think. I am speaking in general of course. The way I interpret it based on general collectivity of an item is like an art work:

1. Majority of the people like realism - example, a pig is just a pig or tree just a tree.
2. Some people and some EMs like Impressionism - example using a beehive graphic and calling it a bell. Most collectors don’t really like it.
3. Very few people and sometime EM creat abstract items - like a blob of nothing and calling it something. Very very few people are interested.

regardless, this voting system will certainly reveal what we players like And not what they think we like. After all, we’re the customers