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Something I think is about to happen.

  • Thread starter SpaceYourFace
  • Start date
  • Watchers 1


So we are goin to have these shadowlord guys spawn in half day intrevals. They will give some nifty new cloak or robe or something like that to the top damagers. And everyone else will get a tok minor. How much do you wanna bet that then mempos will drop more frequently by killing these guys.

The reason I think this is because this is how alot of the events in the past have worked. They have an event with some type of rare drop that requires hours and hours of camping to get it. The people that get the item turn around and sell it for alot of gold. Then a month later as the event progresses those items become easier to get and all those people that paid mils for it wasted their money.

The reason I think it will work this way is because a friend of mine killed one of the guys on TC and on the very first one he killed he got a mempo. Now that may be luck or that may be how they satisfy eveyone that didnt manage to get one so far.

Old Man of UO

... The reason I think it will work this way is because a friend of mine killed one of the guys on TC and on the very first one he killed he got a mempo. Now that may be luck or that may be how they satisfy eveyone that didnt manage to get one so far.
A bit on the same subject, how did he kill the shadow lord? Tactics, skills, please.

wee papa smurf

One things for sure lucky necklaces will be cheap :D

And im keeping my mempo for as long as possible even though i'll never wear it (cant be bothered making up a luck suit) just want to keep it for future generations :D


Someone used blackrock on it. Its suppos to make them easier to kill. 3 people got the new items for being top damagers. Everone else got minors. He did say that the guy that used the blackrock first got one of the new items. He said that the guy that used the blackrock couldnt have been an overall top damager because he spent most of his time trying to get a rez because he kept dieing so mabe being the first to use blackrock does alot of damage. But my friend did get a mempo on the first kill.

Foolio the Bard

3 people got the new items for being top damagers.
The "new items" you are referring to are Cloaks of Corruption, so I don't know if I'd call them new... but you can now take them to the grey-robed strangers that have appeared with the proper threads from Magincia to be modified into new cloaks.

Old Man of UO

The "new items" you are referring to are Cloaks of Corruption, so I don't know if I'd call them new... but you can now take them to the grey-robed strangers that have appeared with the proper threads from Magincia to be modified into new cloaks.
What are the proper threads and how many of each?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What are the proper threads and how many of each?
The 3 grey cloaked guys can be found in yew (abby), lycium (moonglow) and serps hold.
10 threads of thought and a cloak = claok of power (lyceum)
10 threads of life and a cloak = cloak of life (yew)
10 threads of fate and a cloak = cloak of death (serps hold)
5k silver or 50 threads of ether = cloak of comand (from faction reward chest in strongholds)

Use blackrock on the shadow lord to remove its shield (if you dont will keep getting the message you hardly damage him due to his shield) then just kill him he doesnt hit very hard, there will be 3 spawning and by the looks of it 1 in the waste's 1 in the snow and 1 in the volcano (unless they randomnise the spawn locations). He will drop 3 claoks tto the top 3 damagers and minors to everyone else who earns looting rights.

Phaen Grey

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Stratics Legend
any confirmation on what half day intervals means? noon/midnight game time or shard time?