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Someone spent a lot of time on this


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just looks like a big mess to me. Doesn't really appear to be any actual design of the decor.


looking at those shots gives me a migrane...sheesh...and yes it looks like a complete mess nothing special really....maybe someone trying to bother their neighbors by having a horrible home design.

Flora Green

Looks like clutter in a box to me. Maybe they haven't finished storing items yet?

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
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Well it is cluttered but it isn't just a big mess of items. People have varying decorating tastes.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oh my yes I'm sure there are some nice bits hidden in that clutter somewhere and perhaps I could appreciate them more in person, but the screen shots just make me shutter at the thought of trying to find anything in there...

Thank you SevenFaith I'm assuming that was a complement and on the off chance it was not I'll take it as one any way =)


I really like it, there are thousand worlds inside this house. Every tile is a journey. :)
It's clearly not classical, it's wild, but it works great. No everyone like the pretty cosy home with cute details and ribbons in the hair.


Good news is that i found RL Pictures of their home Its amazing new technology I have created...................... Who needs UOAM when you got this.


Lady Arwen

Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
Wow, deffinatly cluttered.. Its not my taste really, I dont like cluttered houses. But there is some beauty to it if you can see past just the whole of it and really look at it closely. But anyways, I agree that must have taken a LONG time lol.


Wow, organized chaos. Definitely not my liking in home decor, but I gotta hand it to them - I'm sure that took a lot of time to set it up!

To each his own, I s'pose.


You people who say its clutter have a linear way of thinking...

To me it looks like a HoMM map... :d :thumbup:

Lord Raven

Seasoned Veteran
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Actually, the owner has each area defined to a type of theme and there is a symmetricallity to the design if you have an eye for that. I guess the same folks that call this a mess can't see a bunny rabbit in a formation of clouds. It would just be random clouds of water vapor to them. Pfft.


Actually, the owner has each area defined to a type of theme and there is a symmetricallity to the design if you have an eye for that. I guess the same folks that call this a mess can't see a bunny rabbit in a formation of clouds. It would just be random clouds of water vapor to them. Pfft.
That's like saying if I just dumped all my dirty laundry and dishes equally on both sides of my living room it is symmetrical with a 'design eye'. Seriously.

To each their own, but that is one horrific mess, imo.


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
I didn't want to say anything since the person who did it didn't post it and didn't ask for criticism or praise, but it's not to my taste. I can see where they're going with some areas, but with so much going on the colors tend to blur together and make it hard to differentiate things. It took me a while to even see that there were vendors in the house. :blushing:

I like things very plain though. I rarely wear stuff with patterns, I like solid colors that blend well rather than stand out. When I do house stuff in UO my decor can tend to be spartan. That can be a bit boring for people who prefer bold colors and lots of deco activity going on in the area. To each their own! :p


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yes my taste falls somewhere between Sarsmi's and the pics in the op. But the house isn't one big borg cube. That is my only real criteria defining a well designed home from a poorly designed one. I declare it a success!


There is a saying...A painting is never finished, but the artist must learn when to stop.
I think the owner of that house didn't know when to stop.

As to the borg cube comment...i hate that too. Large towers, even with the wings (or maybe because of them) are the ugliest thing in UO. Castles and keeps come a close second, but tbh i just think they look stupid.
But i have a real problem with housing in general. I hate having to choose between a good looking house on the outside or big rooms on the inside. I can make a great cottage type building with small rooms on an 18x18 plot, but as i've just discovered, to create a good looking tower i need at least a 6-floor 30x30 :(


It's like the owner wants to shown EVERY rares and semis in his collection and can't decide
what to show and what to store in containers.

After 12 years of UO, you got PLENTY. Sometimes you have to make a choice.

I was a bit like that before. But along years, I became more organizated.
That said, I must admit that it takes a lot of time to "organize" such mess :stir: