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Some great new options, other than UO, to look forward to..

Sauteed Onion

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
I'm just gonna say, mmo developers in general should be totally mf'in ashamed of themselves.. *Stares at EA, Blizzard, Trion* Like not sure how "small" that guys' team is, but him personally developing that engine, and those graphics is astounding. I'm sure it's gonna redefine the bare minimum in terms of acceptable video cards and such for it; but take away the graphics and go with the physics alone; and it's a treat. And sure alot of the games I cast my kitty gaze of doom upon were developed when this guy was prebubescent teen etc.. the fact they are unwilling to up the bar for themselves in terms of graphics or physics is shameful. For shame. Meow.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Remember: This is a single player RPG, not an MMO. Though the engine could be useful, I doubt it would have the net code behind it to be viable for MMO play.

But it's fun to dream.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Remember: This is a single player RPG, not an MMO. Though the engine could be useful, I doubt it would have the net code behind it to be viable for MMO play.

But it's fun to dream.
Yeah what will work in a single player rpg might not work in an mmo.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
The following behind Sui Generis has been talked about for a few months now (before the kickstarter) and YES it is a rpg and not a MMO,but this is the future of gaming and this is what UO could have been. So many resources have been poured into ultima over the last 5 years and yet this guy and his team of 5 people (Bare Mettle Entertainment) who worked part time on the game while working full time jobs did this? ..

Looks like a good game to follow, sure it will be awhile before a alpha is even produced for the masses.


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Looks good and hope they meet their goal. I was impressed by the combat and enviromental graphics. I moved it here to this section because its not truly UO related.