Let's see, where to begin?
Good job to everyone that worked on this publish. And good luck on the next big project, which is, I hope, releasing UO on Steam. Go! Go! Go!
- Well first off, on Atlantic at least, pvp has been non-stop since the publish went live - non-stop. And not just in the cities where VvV is active. One star.
- I already posted this in the EC forums, but in spite of quite a few bugs in the new interface, overall the performance improvement with the new UI is so massive that it pretty much eclipses all the minor bugs. And knowing Pinco as I do, it won't be long before most of the bugs are sorted, and we just have to wait for the next version of Pinco's UI to get all our toys back - and while I'm on the topic, please consider visiting Pinco's site and supporting his work if you use Pinco's UI. He isn't being payed for his work on Pinco's UI and he still pays for his own web hosting. Two stars.
- The new loot is now universal. People will no longer have to pay 100 mil+ for a decent 10 ssi jewel, or a really nice base piece to build a suit around. This should mean more variety in suits and less cookie cutter crafting. And again, it should lessen the gap between haves and have nots, and make high end game play, including pvp, more accessible to everyone, including new players. Three stars.
- Some of the best of the old school artifacts are now available to everyone again, if they join VvV. We all saw what happened to factions when the old faction artifacts were made less accessible, it essentially cut out all the more casual pvp'rs that were interested in factions, but not interested in playing factions 24/7. The result ultimately really was almost the complete death of factions. Four stars.
Good job to everyone that worked on this publish. And good luck on the next big project, which is, I hope, releasing UO on Steam. Go! Go! Go!