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[Fishing] Some Basic Questions!


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Stratics Legend
Hey friendly Fishermen (and women)!

After trying to buy some White Pearls, I decided it was about time I gathered some and for the 1st time in 9 years, I've decided to dip my toe in the proverbial water that is Fishing!

I've check through the FAQ's, but just after confirmation on a couple of points, in case I've misunderstood anything!

1. I can fish up White Pearls while fishing anywhere, they are not looted and just "appear" in my pack like mining gems or artifacts, is that correct?

2. Same as above, but for MIB's and Nets?

3. If I decide to purely fish for Pearls, Nets and MIB's (assuming the points above are correct!), am I right in thinking I need no offensive skills at all, or can I fish up things like Kraken whilst simply "fishing"?

4. Having had no experience with boats either, can I make a boat secure and store things in it's hold?

5. Relating to the above, if I were to kill things and skin them (Krakens good for Horned Leather I understand), can I turn the Leather into Deed form in anyway?

I apologize if these are basic questions, but I've tried everything in UO with the exception of fishing and as I am inordinately lazy I'll most like buy an advanced char token and would like to confirm my thoughts before I start into something blindly!

Many Thanks in advance for any pointers in the right direction!

Padre Dante

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I think I know some answers, from my own experience, so here goes!

1. White Pearls - for me, these just appear as I am doing normal fishing. No special area or equipment needed. Do note, however, that these are slightly more rare than their cousin, the delicate scales. Generally speaking, when fishing you have a chance to pull up - a fish (i.e. black seabass), footwear, small fish, big fish, rare fish (i.e. yellowtail barracuda), pearls, scales, [deep] sea serpent, or nothing. Try this page and this page for more info.

2. MiBs (and treasure maps) can be found on sea serpents and deep sea serpents. You'll fish these up in deep waters. They are pretty easy to defeat. My trick is to use the Protection spell on my mage (uninterrupted casting). A good thread can be found here. I find my nets by fishing up sunken treasure chests (found using the MiBs!). Sometimes, a net will appear in the chest. I have about 30 of these nets saved up and haven't started knocking them out yet. But I think the spawn from the nets can contain more MiBs as loot (the cycle of [a fisherman's] life!).

3. You may want some offensive skills for fishing in deep waters. Enough to battle water ellies and, more importantly, sea serpents. Again these are relatively easy (I run 100 magery and 100 eval - no problems). Try that thread linked above for more on that. Krakens only spawn if you are tossing the nets - not from simple fishing.

4. (I am paranoid and always dry dock my boat. Someone else will have to help you here.)

5. If you get a High Seas boat (fyi - Tokuno style offers a little bump to your fishing skill!), I believe you can deed things (i.e. fish, gold, leather) in the cargo hold. The leather can be used by your crafter or turned in for points at a couple of the community turn in places.

Hope this helps. Safe travels and good luck!

Lady Laurel

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Hey friendly Fishermen (and women)!

After trying to buy some White Pearls, I decided it was about time I gathered some and for the 1st time in 9 years, I've decided to dip my toe in the proverbial water that is Fishing!

I've check through the FAQ's, but just after confirmation on a couple of points, in case I've misunderstood anything!

1. I can fish up White Pearls while fishing anywhere, they are not looted and just "appear" in my pack like mining gems or artifacts, is that correct? This has been my experience, yes

2. Same as above, but for MIB's and Nets? Nets are found as loot from Sea Serpents/Deep Sea Serpents and you can find them in the Treasure Chests fished up from an SoS from an MiB. As for MiB's I personally have never gotten one from fishing, just from loot from the Sea Serpents I fish up. I am told that you can fish them up, but it has never happened to me.

3. If I decide to purely fish for Pearls, Nets and MIB's (assuming the points above are correct!), am I right in thinking I need no offensive skills at all, or can I fish up things like Kraken whilst simply "fishing"? You will fish up Sea Serpents and more than likely run into Water Elementals

4. Having had no experience with boats either, can I make a boat secure and store things in it's hold? I personally only keep items on my boat while fishing

5. Relating to the above, if I were to kill things and skin them (Krakens good for Horned Leather I understand), can I turn the Leather into Deed form in anyway? If you bring commodity deeds with you, you can use the hold of your boat like a bank box or commodity deed box and fill commodity deeds. You can also use it to redeem the deeds as long as the items will fit in your hold.

I apologize if these are basic questions, but I've tried everything in UO with the exception of fishing and as I am inordinately lazy I'll most like buy an advanced char token and would like to confirm my thoughts before I start into something blindly!

Many Thanks in advance for any pointers in the right direction!


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Sea Serpents give horned leather - Krakens do not.

That said, Krakens brought up by fabled fishing nets can have MIBs, while the serpents brought up by the nets can only have T-maps.

Note also that the scales from the sea serpents and deep sea serpents can be donated to the Britain library animal tamer for 20 points per scale. It's one of the easier ways to get 550,000 points for a talisman, if you fish a lot and have another character that hunts drakes, dragons, wyrms, etc. (especially from t-maps)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Many thanks for the replies everyone :)

So, if my basic understanding is correct:
I get my fisher to around 75-80 fishing in shallow water, then venture to deeper water with a boat. I fish and can get things like fish, MIB's Pearls and Serpents. Killing the serpents can yield the Fishing Nets as well as Horned Leather.

After this the MIB's / Fishing Nets can be used like a Sea Version of a Treasure Map.

Is that fishing to a complete novice (ME!) in very basic terms and ideas?

I really do appreciate the help here by the way. Thanks again for all your assistance!

Barry Gibb

Of Saintly Patience
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Sea Serpents are vulnurable to Snake Slayers, so they should not be a problem.

A great tool to use while fishing is the Crystal Ball of Knowledge. It will let you know if you are at an optimal gain depth. Fishing difficulty scales with distance from the shore. Once you hit 90ish skill, it may be better just to pack up the crystal ball and fish between fish monger quests.

1. White Pearls - for me, these just appear as I am doing normal fishing. No special area or equipment needed. Do note, however, that these are slightly more rare than their cousin, the delicate scales. Generally speaking, when fishing you have a chance to pull up - a fish (i.e. black seabass), footwear, small fish, big fish, rare fish (i.e. yellowtail barracuda), pearls, scales, [deep] sea serpent, or nothing.
My observations are that the Delicate Scale / White Pearl chance is independent of the fishing possibilities listed. I have pulled them up concurrently with footwear, fish, sea serpents, and nothing.

Stayin Alive,


Barry Gibb

Of Saintly Patience
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
After this the MIB's / Fishing Nets can be used like a Sea Version of a Treasure Map.
MIBs are similar to the old practice of T-Maps. You are given coordinates, sail to the coordinates, and fish it up. Unlike treasure maps, there is no pre-chest spawn, lock or trap for the reward. MIBs can be fished up by anyone with the minimum fishing skill given here: http://uo2.stratics.com/skill-guides/skills-and-professions/fishing.

Special Fishing Nets are used to generate an assortment of sea creatures, which may yield more MIBs as loot. You only need to be in deep water to cast one in (they do not have specific coordinates). One net will spawn a total of 3-6 of the following creatures: water elemental, sea serpent, deep sea serpent, and kraken. The kraken is the toughest of the bunch and will be quite lethal for an noncombatant character (the minor amount of combat skill needed to kill a sea serpent will not be enough). Special Fishing Nets can be tossed by anyone, no fishing skill required.

Stayin Alive,



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hey friendly Fishermen (and women)!

4. Having had no experience with boats either, can I make a boat secure and store things in it's hold?
I don't think anyone replied to this one other than the links.

Yes your boat can be secured (at least the Britannian ship which is the only one I own). You can have levels of security like a house. There is a menu to set who gets to do what on the boat.

Keep in mind that there seems to be some discrepancy on how often you must refresh your boat. The guide says 14 days but some claim to have lost theirs in as little as 6.

Blue skies and calm seas!


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Suggestion - click the tillerman to refresh - don't count on just clicking the ropes to do it.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Many Thanks for all your insightful replies, now all I need to do is find some time to actually fish!

With the knowledge I have gained I am sure it will be plain sailing!!:D


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yes your boat can be secured (at least the Britannian ship which is the only one I own). You can have levels of security like a house. There is a menu to set who gets to do what on the boat.
The Tokuno vessel has this feature as well., I think it extends to all High Seas ships.

Barry Gibb

Of Saintly Patience
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The Tokuno vessel has this feature as well., I think it extends to all High Seas ships.
Correct, all High Seas ships have the same security functionality. The older style ships do not. If you leave them unlocked, others can board them.

Stayin Alive,
