it can be done without bushido or necromancy, just be sure having high weapon skill, parryng, healing speed and, above all, buy a weapon with a lot of hit life leech... (i.e. the blade of righteous) i can do it with a pure warrior with a weapon like that (with mana and stamina leechs to, but i don't think it's so important). Most dangerous thing it's the undead horde... you can cast dispite evil or have a good macro for cutting bones... better do it in a corner, with wall at back.
But soloing it's not a good choice because it needs a lot of minutes and somebody'll probably arrive before you killed it... better doing it in 5-6 people for maximixe artifact-per-day-ratio ;-)
[/ QUOTE ]Blade of the Righteous?! Are you kidding? That weapon is so slow it might put a DF to sleep. I tried it down there, but the swing rate is way too slow. Lock it down in your how to show to your friends, then find a nice fast-swinging Radiant Scimitar Demon Slayer with some Leeches on it (I actually prefer HML and HSL over HLL, because they keep my swing speed up and my Specials flowing). The Radiant will do Whirlwinds which will take out most of the undead spawn.
Macro to cut bones? That sounds fishy.