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[Selling] Sold Sold Sold


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sold - Sold - Sold


Selling Pacific 96/97 Month Account! 7 Characters!!!!

Account has a ton of skills listed below!
Account also has game time payed until July 26th 2009!!!!

Dremon - Tank/Mage (RED)

120 Evalint
120 Meditation
117.6 Magery
115.0 Magic Resist
100.0 Fencing
90.0 Poisoning
47.4 Parry

Toby - Mule

120 Smith
120 Tailor
95.0 Magery
100 Incription
100 Tinkering
57.4 Mining
55.6 Focus

Osiris - Stealth Archer (RED)

120 Archery
120 Ninjitsu
114 Anatomy
100 Tactics
94.6 Hiding
85 Healing
80.4 Stealth

Black Sam - Bard

120 Music
120 Peace
110 Magery
105 Provocation
100 Lockpick
100 Meditation

Autolycus - Archer

110 Anatomy
110 Tactics
106.5 Magic Resist
102.6 Archery
100 Hiding
78.4 Chiv
56.2 Healing

Iron Frog - Necro/Mage

115 Evalint
115 Meditation
110 Necromancy
110 Spirit Speak
100.7 Magery
100.1 Magic Resist
69.2 Focus

Van Drake - Warrior in Progress

120 Fencing
115.5 Magic Resist
97.6 Anatomy
94.1 Tactics
79.2 Parry
75.5 Healing


120 Mace Fighting
115 Bushido
110 Swords
100 Carpentry
100 Bowcraft/Fletching
100 Alchemy
100 Cartography
100 Tracking
100 Detect Hidden
90 Snooping
86.7 Ninjitsu
80.3 Archery
70 Fencing
69.7 Arms Lore

Account has a 7x7 Yew Gate Fel Home! Middle of gate and bank!
Used for PVP with the reds!

Osiris has faction items (Stormgrips, Totem, Rune Beetle, Crimson, Tails)

Account will not be stripped what so ever!!!

Account is ready to play!

PM/ICQ me with questions or concerns!
Serious offers only please!